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I went home upset. I was so mad that I picked this hospital. I really thought I had picked the better hospital. I now know I was wrong.
The next couple of days had been quiet. I'd see Lincoln around, and he'd smirk with a uncomfortable wink.

However lately he's been coming around. He give me an uncomfortable stare.

I finished all my work and Reynolds said there was nothing for me to do at the moment. I headed towards in on-call room and closed my eyes for a little while.

"Michael stop it", I giggled as my pants slide down.

I opened my eyes and noticed I was in an oncall room. I looked down and Lincoln kneeled there looking at me.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING", I shouted trying to get away.

"Oh shut up bitch. I was nice and respectful but now I'm gonna get what I deserve", he said.

I continued to try and get away. I until I felt a burning sensation on my cheeks. I grabbed my cheeks as tears ran down my face.

Hey Linda where's Mrs. j- what the hell is going on in here", chief Jacobs shouted.

"Please help", I shouted.

Next thing I know I'm in the chiefs office with an ice pack on my face. Across from me was Chief and Lincoln.

"Let's cut to the chase. Lincoln here is high on the important role. He does a lot of work and is very reliable. Actually training to be a surgeon. What will it take to make this go away", chief asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me. I told you I was being sexually harassed and you did nothing. I was almost raped and you now want me to agree to make it go away", I yelled.

Before he could speak I grabbed my phone and dialed Michael's number.

"Michael phone this is his assistant Angelina, he Laila what's going on", she said.

"I need to talk to Michael is he almost done with the scene", I asked.

"Well they should be done soon. I know they're taking a break in an out or two", she said.

"Please have him call me. Can you do me a favor please. I know you don't work for me but I just really need some help right now", I said.

"Sure anything", she said.

"I need a lawyer please. Not an expensive one but a good one please", I said.

"Of course. I'll have Michael call you as soon as he can. It's his last day filming before his break so I'll book a flight", she said.

"Thank you", I said.

I wiped my tears and dialed the police telling them to get here.

I had no idea what do do with myself.

After the police left and took my scrubs with them. I went home. As I am driving I get a call from Michael.

"Baby what's going on. I'm sorry I couldn't answer", he said.

I pulled into the driveway and broke out in tears. Had Chief not came in he could have raped me. I would have been scared for like. Possible damaged.

"Baby talk to me tell me what's going on", he begged.

I tried to talk but no worded could come out.

"Baby you have to talk to me so we can make it better", he said.

"Well I was in an oncall room because I had finished all my work. I was laying around then I fell asleep. When I woke up he was all on my touching me. He pulled down my scrub pants. I tried to fight him but he hit me. I have a big bruise developing in my cheek. Chief walked in and ordered us to his office. He basically asked me what he could do to make this go away. Like he was going to offer me a raise or something so he would may have to loose a potential surgeon", I cried.

"Baby I'm at the airport I'll be there in two hours or so. Just go home and relax ok?", he asked.

"They did a rape kit just in case but the officer told me they barley have anything to charge him with", I cried.

"Baby just go lay in the bed. I have my key and I will be there soon", he said.

I nodded. When he hung up I grabbed my purse and ran to the door opening it as if someone was chasing me. I may not have been raped but I was so close. Now I'm scared to move. I went inside closed the door and dropped my stuff on the counter. Running up to my bed and jumping in. I need to go to sleep and think about something else.

I heard the door open and I ducked under the bed. I heard he footsteps walking around my first floor. Then they came up the stairs. I looked around for a weapon to defend me. All I had were some scissor. The door opened and the light flicked on.

"Baby what are you doing", Michael asked.

"Michael I'm so scare", I cried jumping into his arms.

"I know baby. Angelina found a lawyer and we are meeting with them tomorrow. Let's lay down and get some rest", Michael suggested.

We got under the covers and cuddled. I held him closest if someone were trying to steal him away.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now