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Michael's flight leaves in an hour. When he gets back we are planning to take about the wedding. So very excited to get this plan moving.

I shot michael a goodnight text and told him I'd see him when he got here.

My eyes opened when I heard a crash downstairs. I put on my robe and headed downstairs. Michael's flight must have taken off early.

It was dark but I found the light. I flicked them on and there was stood a stranger.

"Who the fuck are you", the man asked.

"This is my house", I said nervously.

"Go sit in the couch and I won't hurt you", he said.

I did as told. I sat nervously waiting for a chance to run. He looked skinny, he seems off like drug skinny. I could take him but I don't know if he's armed.

"What do you want", I asked.

"What do you think I want bitch", he spat.

He walked over to me and grabbed my head. He forced me into a kiss. I tried to pull back and get away. He punched me. Dead in my eye.

"Shit", I cried.

"I came her just to steal but your body looks great I might just have to have sex with you too", he grinned showing some of his missing teeth.

It was my chance. I kicked him in his balls and ran to the door. I grabbed Michael's keys and ran for the door. My body fell on the cement when the man tackled me. He punched me multiple times. I saw a rock. I grabbed it and hit him over the head.

I laid there hoping he wouldn't get up. I reached over and searched for a pulse. He was still breathing. I called the police.

"Hi I need the police I was just attacked. Send two ambulances please hurry before he wakes up", I breathed.

"Ok ma'am the police are in the way please stay calm. Tell me your name and what happened", she asked.

"My name is Laila Burns. I was home waiting for my fiancé to get back from Philadelphia. I thought he got back early so I went downstairs and there was this man. He told me to sit in the couch. He walked around my house gathering things then came to me when I asked what he wanted. He told me he wanted to rob me then rape me. I kneed him in the balls and ran. He tackled me the. I hit his head with a rock. He's still breathing and has a pulse but is unconscious", I explained.

"Ok ma'am are the police there", she asked.

"They are close I hear the sirens. Can you call my fiancé. I'm sure he should have landed by now. I feel myself ready to pass out.", I huffed.

"I got it cover ma'am", she said.

I tired to open my eyes. Only one would open.

"Help", I cried.

"Baby relax relax I'm right here",
The man whispered.

He leaned up and pushed the call button for the nurse station.

"Who are you", I asked.

"I'm your fiancé", he said.

"My fiancé. I'm not getting married. Who are you", I asked.

"My name is Michael Bakari Jordan. You are in the hospital", he said.

"Why am I in the hospital", I asked.

"Well while I was away working on the movie you were attacked at our house. You've been in a coma for three months", he said.

I looked around and took notice of where I am. I looked and the bed and notice that my stomach was extremely swollen.

"Why is my stomach swollen. Do I have a mass or a triple A or ", I asked in a panic.

"No your fine Laila. You're pregnant", he said.

"Pregnant how can I be pregnant. I haven't had sex. I can't be", I said.

"I'll tell you everything. You won't remember but I'll tell you", he started.

"I met you in the hotel. I say you and I told you right then and there how beautiful you are. We got to talking. I took you to a movie premiere. Then we kept talking. You went back to Detroit to graduate from Wayne. Then you moved to Texas. There was an incident there so you moved here to Cali with me. We've been dating since then. A few months I purpose to you at dinner in front of your parents and mine. You said yes and then later on here we are", he explained.

My doctor came in and explained everything to me. I pulled twelve muscles. And I am pregnant. According to Michael I got pregnant the weekend he purposed to me.

"Go ahead and sleep baby. I know the medication is making you sleepy. We can talk more then", he said.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I rolled over ever so slowly and carefully.

"I love you", he whispered.

I said nothing but I still don't now what's going on.

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