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"Michael can you come into our bedroom please", I asked.

Michael entered the room where I sat on the bed. Next to me is a pregnancy test.

"Hey baby what's up", he asked.

"So lately you know I've had morning sickness, tender breast, and I'm bloated", he said.

"Yes ma'am", he said.

"Well I missed my period. I think I'm pregnant", I suggested.

"Well let's take the test babe", he said.

I walked into the bathroom test in hand. I took a deep breathe and peed on the stick.

"How long do we have to wait", I asked as I pulled up my pants.

"Five minutes", he said.

I placed the test on the counter then washed my hands.

"Come here baby", he said.

I walked into the bedroom and sat next to him.

"So how do you feel. Do you want it to be negative or positive", he asked.

I sat in silence for a minute. I was trying to think of what my answer may be.

"Well I'm nervous and anxious. It's like I want it to be positive. You know I've thought about this all day and imagined. I've been all excited all day. However my career just started and right now you're filming Creed 2. How about you baby", I said.

"Well I'm older than you. I'm ready to take the next step whether it's marriage or a baby. I feel like I want it positive. If you not ready then I can wait a little while longer. I do feel like we need to talk about this though.", he said.

"Well let's do it now. I'm definitely open to it now. Marriage I'm open to it. A baby I'm a little iffy but I'm open", I smiled.

"Really", he smiled back.

"Yes Michael I love you so much I'm ready if you are", I giggled.

"Perfect", he said leaning in for a kiss.

The timer went off but we ignored it. Michael later down and I got on top of him. His hands ran down my body.

"Baby let's check the test", he said.

We got up and headed into the bathroom. I looked at Michael as he checked the test. A huge smile formed on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"We're having a baby", I asked.

"We're having a baby", he assured me.

I jumped up and down with a huge smile. Michael caught me and kissed me ever so sweetly.

"Oh I'll text the OB/GYN at the hospital and see if we can see her tomorrow. What time are you getting off", I asked.

"Not working tomorrow", he said.

"Ok I'll go text her now", I said.

Michael released me from his grip and I hopped on the bed and texted Cindy.

"Hey Cindy. My boyfriend and I think we might be pregnant can you fit us in tomorrow", I asked.

"Let me start dinner", I cheered.

I headed down and started. I couldn't get the baby off my mind. I never really thought I'd be ready to start my family so young but it just feels so right.

"I can't wait", I whispered.

Our love story: Michael B. JordanWhere stories live. Discover now