¥~Chapter 1~¥

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Why would you leave me here all alone. Scared, lonely,and regretful. I've loved you. And I should've told you that. Why would I? Because you had cancer and I never told you how I felt and I never fulfilled you with joy and happiness. Instead you fulfilled me with sadness and fear. I was by your side. Every single night! And I never fucking said that i loved you. Why would I do this to you and to myself. I LOVED YOU <3
I remember the first day we meet and you came to me. With the brightest smile. You were so happy and cheerful. You were an angel. You were my angel. And you became an angel. You told me "Hi, you're Wil, right?" "Yea and who are you?" I knew who you were, you were Joy Garcia. The most beautiful girl in school. (In my opinion). You didn't have much friends. But right then and there we became friends. Why did you have to leave so soon? Why now? I can't live without you. I miss you please come back Joy. Please finish this book with me.

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