¥~Chapter 13~¥ ~ Wil

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I can't believe that Joy fainted in school. I actually feel sad and guilty about it. I hope she won't get bullied because of the oxygen tank. I really hope not.

Few hours later......
Me and Lizzy went home.
            "So Joy? Is Joy your crush? I saw it brother. I saw you looking at her. You can't like her you can't!" Lizzy said.
            "I'm sorry but I like her sis. I really do no matter if she has cancer or not I like her. You can't tell me who to like or who to not like you can't decide for me. Aren't you the lesbian here? What, do you like her?" I snapped back.
"NO I DON'T! what's your problem? I am a lesbian, I don't need to get reminded about that I already hate myself enough. I was the reason that we are both adopted. And I'm the reason why mom and dad gave us up. Since I wasn't suppose to be a lesbian. I'm not suppose to like girls. I'm suppose to like boys. Well I'm sorry I was only trying to not let your heart get broken!" She says while storming out.
"Lizzy I'm sorry!" I said back.

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