¥~Chapter 33 Cat Calling~¥ ~Wil

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We are going bowling today. And I so excited. I never expected to go bowling with Joy. I didn't think it was a possibility to do an activity ever since that accident happened. But we are. We walked across the street and a man started far calling Joy.

"Eyyy mami how you doing" (Joey from friends. Heehehhee) she walked up to him and she was upset she said. listen I'm not a female dog so you can't just call me I'm in not an animal and anyways I have a boyfriend and your ugly ass is so desperate that you have to call out a 16 year old. You can get sued.

He grabbed her arm and I try to go up she said "stop....." I looked at her in concern and she looked at me back. She was serious. When I let go she picked her knees up and kicked his balls it was insane!

We continued walking and she was smiling everyone was laughing since he was crying in the ground right after.

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