¥~Chapter 20~¥ ~Wil

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I picked up Joy and put her in my lap. I started crying seeing her there..... Bleeding..... I can't see her like this. She is beaten up terribly. I can't believe that Britney did that. SHE IS INSANE!

*sobs* "I'm so sorry Joy. Please wake up. I love you please. I can't lose you not now we just started to have fun together." I said

She lost a lot of blood. Lizzy was crying in the corner she couldn't bare to see Joy like this. Angelica is right beside me holding her head. She was rubbing her forehead and brushing her hair with her hands. She was crying while doing so. Everyone couldn't bare to see this. They looked so sorry.... I can't lose her I love her.

"Joy please wake up. Please we are best friends. I can't lose you. I-I just cant." Angelica said

I hear Lizzy sobbing louder and crying. She was depressed. She was mortified.


A few hours later....

Everyone was still surrounding Joy.

*gasp* *coughs out blood* "I-I love you too Wil. And I love you Angelica and you too Lizzy. Please don't ever think I'm ever going to leave you guys." Joy said with a raspy while rising up on her butt.

I ran to hug this beautiful girl sitting down. I kissed her and I felt her soft lips on mines. She kissed me back. She pushes me back to cough out blood.

"Mom I think I need to go to the hospital *coughs out blood* please.." Joy said with a raspy voice.

I helped her up and kissed her check that had cuts on her face since Britney fought her. I didn't care I loved her too much not show it. She kissed me back. On my lips.

"I love you.."

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