¥~Chapter 31 Guilty~¥ ~ Wil

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I've noticed that Joy has been having bruises marks on her arms and knees. my sister told me that Angelica was told by Joy that Joy boxes.

Of course I was worried by this but seeing how she fought Britney yesterday I can see that happening. Her dad use to be a professional boxer. I know that cause he was my favorite boxer. I can't believe I'm dating his daughter but he died two years ago from something I don't remember.

I looked at Joy's arm and she looked at me and covered her arm.

"How did you get those......?" I asked

" Um I cheated on you? " she said as a question but was trying to think of other excuses.

"Wow really. " I said sarcastically.

She laughed and I knew it was a lie cause we always spend time together. We play video games eat pizza and so on.

One day Joy asked me to take it to the next level. If you know what I mean. But I told her no. I can't do that to her nor her mother. She was disappointed. But I didn't care. I didn't want to take her virginity taken away from her like that. Not in High school.

She took the pills that can heal her. I saw that she had less hair. But I still loved her. I kissed her forehead and she smiled. We saw Britney with a cut lip. She had a bruises everywhere. And I saw Joy raise one of her eyebrows and she smirked. She turned evil. But not like Britney evil like revenge evil. She said something. Quietly.

"That's what you get bitch."

I looked away and she was ashamed. She felt horrible. She felt guilty...

"Sorry I have to go-to the bathroom. Be right back" Joy ran to the bathroom. 

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