¥~Chapter 23~¥ ~ Joy

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Tomorrow I start school again! I'm so excited. At least Britney won't be there. She is in a hospital for people who are insane. I can't believe that that happened. Wil has been texting me and visiting me to make me feel better. And it did. He brought me flowers. And he got me candy. He is really sweet. But he told me what he was thinking that he went on too strong.

We started dating a few days ago and it's been amazing. He is so sweet and he is always there for me. But I don't want him to be heart broken on when I pass. The doctor told me a few weeks ago that I don't have a chance to be healed. And I'm scared. I'm scared that I am going to cause pain to my friends and family. My uncle had cancer but he was healed. And now I know I can't. At the end of the summer August 23 is my last day....

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