¥~Chapter 9~¥ ~ Wil

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I stayed awake all night worrying and praying and thinking of Joy. "She has cancer......" I said quietly.
My sister walked in and asked "Who has cancer?"
"Non of your business Lizzy." I responded.
"Sorry but its late and you've been up all day what's wrong? We are twins we are suppose to tell each other everything!" Lizzy said.
"Fine..... I have a crush on this girl. Not saying her name 'cause then you're going to try to find her and tell her. And she has cancer...... She is so beautiful sweet and she already seem so smart she answered all the questions in class." I said.
"She sounds very nice. But she has cancer bro. Are you sure you want to date her. She can die soon and you know you'll be heart broken when she does.... Like aunt Amy." Lizzy said.
"I know but I really like her I rather be with her for a few years and not tell her how I feel and not being with her and regretting it when she dies." I said back calmly.
"Ok... I guess... But I'm warning you!" She shouted as she backed out the room all mysteriously.
"Shhhh mom and dad are sleeping" I said while laughing.

The next morning.......

   "Bye brother! Gotta go with Angelica to meet her new friend!" Lizzy screamed like she is going to be murdered.
"OK!!!!!! Byeeeeeee" I screamed back.
"Damn brother no need to scream!!!!" She screamed back.
"WHATEVER" I said while laughing.
"I can't wait to see Joy at school." I said silently.

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