¥~Chapter 37 {..........}~¥ ~Wil

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After Joy won she sat down. She started breathing really loudly it got me really worried. She was sweating. I gave her the asthma pump. She breathed it in and looked worried as well. She was exhausted. I felt bad.

I sat next to her. I kissed her forehead. And put my chin on her head since I'm taller than her. She smiled. Suddenly Britney comes up.

"Is your leg ok?" She says with a baby voice and fake pouting. Joy rolled her eyes and limped to the bathroom. Luckily it was a bathroom with no stalls so only she can go in there.

"What is your problem with her?" I asked
"She has you.." Britney responded
"So? I broke up with you cause you were a disrespectful person. And you still are." I said as I stood up.


I knocked on the door and I didn't hear a response. I kept knocking until I heard something fall in there.



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