¥~Chapter 21~¥ ~Joy

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I woke up again, near the same people except Lizzy. I saw her crying in the corner of the hospital room. I heard everything they said at school, but I couldn't wake up. I couldn't move. I-I I couldn't do anything. I told Wil I loved him. But he told me that too. I wasn't coughing blood anymore but I felt sore and I didn't know what to say or what to do so I sat on my butt again and hugged my mom first. Then Wil then Angelica. And then I called Lizzy here.

"Lizzy come here" I said. My voice was fine. And she heard me clear. She walked up to me, her hands holding her waist. It looked like her stomach hurts.

I laughed. She looked at me like I was crazy.

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