¥~Chapter 32 Friends~¥ ~ Joy

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I ran to the bathroom ¡emergency!. It was that time of month. I was so uncomfortable. for example I'm those type of girls that haves horrible cramps that it makes me throw up. I went in a bathroom stall and pull down my pants and see that I bled too much. I took out my pads. All of them fell out! I quickly picked them up and left one in my hand. I took off my used one so that I can roll it in a tissue and then flush it down the toilet. I put on the new one and I got out the stall. Angelica was waiting for me outside the stall looking worried.

I said "I'm fine... I just have my period." I said.

"Oh..." Angelica smiled in relief.

" Lets go to class. "


In class....
                                Mr. Smith
                             Joys thoughts

Hello class welcome to cooking class

Man Mr Smith is so hot. Lmao I'm weird but he is so good looking and he is awesome at cooking.

Omg I'm so excited to cook
He is so hot
*eats in class*
Yep *eats more*
*uses phone takes selfie*

Ok so We are going to make cookies and cream ice cream. I know you guys might think why can't we just buy it at the store. But it's more delicious when you eat homemade ice cream.

I just can't wait to eat y'all can do the work.
*rolls eyes* I'm on a diet sorry I gotta go!
*slaps guy who is sleeping*
Oh shit why!!
Idk it seems funny.

I should make my own recipe it's that kind of class I love cooking. I cook for my mom when she is to tired to. My dad taught me.
*stands up to get ingredients.*

Uh Joy we haven't started yet.

I know I just wanted to get my ingredients. I know how to make ice cream. so may i?

Umm of course but some people don't know so if you want to split people in groups to help them that's fine and I can help the others.

Umm who should I pick.. I see Wil angelica and lizzy but I need more people oh! and Kris I need two more. I will pick the guy who is eating his name is Zack and the guy who slapped him Cody (heeheheheheheheheheheheheheeh)

I'll pick Angelica Wil Lizzy Kris Zack and Cody. I
am done.


The rest of the class come with me.

come on

Few hours later.....

We finished class and I can't wait we are going bowling. Finally I get to go have fun activities with my friends. And Kris is coming!


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