¥~Chapter 5~¥ ~Wil

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Why did I say that? Would I seem desperate? Urgh I'm such an idiot. But she blushed. What does that mean? Eh I don't know.
   A few minutes later the bus stopped and we got off. I was showing her around the school. She was really energetic and of course was smiling. I loved how energetic she was. Her smile was so adorable. Urgh.
"So how are you liking the school?" I asked
" I love it so much. This school is so big"
We walked by a group of girls who started laughing at her.
  " Hahaha Omg her hair is so ugly. Oh opps she's the new girl isn't she. Ew. Less cuter than I expected. All the guys were so excited to see her. I don't know what's so "cute about her" "
  Her head instantly went down and her smile became a frown. Why would they say that?!
   "They are just jealous Joy. Don't mind them. They do that to every new girl or boy" I said.
     "I don't care. I care about what they think. I want to be excepted with everyone. Why can't they just except me?" Joy says
She starts to cry and her hair was blocking her face now. I put my arm around her and said....
  "I'm always with you. We are friends right? I'm your friend and I won't let anyone hurt you."

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