¥~Chapter 4~¥ ~Jøy

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On that day, Wil instantly became my first friend. He had brown eyes and black hair. He smiled so sweetly and I just had butterflies in my stomach every time he does. What am I feeling? I don't know, I can't like him. I just met him. What if he doesn't like me back? I can't do that. I don't know what to do.
"So how come you were home schooled the most of your life?" Wil asked.
"I don't know my mom is really over protective but now she is tired of teaching me, I guess."
Wil laughs. My stomach goes insane. He looks straight at my eyes and told me," I'm glad you came to this school. You're so beautiful and sweet."
I blush. What? Wait!? He just called me beautiful?! He is so sweet. Does he like me? Never mind that! Its the first day of school!!!!

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