¥~Châptër 17~¥ ~Wil

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I still can't believe she has cancer.....
A few minutes passed and I've been waiting here for Joy to come. I walk near her block to see her sitting vomiting in a bag.
"Are you OK??!" I asked with worry.
She vomits and said with a raspy voice "yea-vomits-im fine.." She looked at me. I had a tissue in my pocket so I wiped the saliva off her lips.
"Thanks and sorry." Joy said with sadness.
"I gotta goto school.... let's go Wil" she said with a half smile.
Her tank had flowers on it and names on it.
"I like how you decorated your tank."
There was no response but she had a mischievous grin on her face. It was really adorable and cute.

Few minutes later....

"Are you sure you're OK?" I asked to make sure.
"Yea I'm fine" she said. She walked me to a corner.
She went up to me close, she gets closer to my face and kisses me. And kisses me again. She starts to push back but I held her waist so she won't stop. We made out for like thirty five minutes.
She pushed back and said "That was amazing.... I really liked that. I really like you..."
"I like yyou too." I said with this grin on my face.
Joy rushes to the bathroom after we kissed... And I heard her vomiting uncontrollably.

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