¥~Chapter 2~¥ ~Jøy

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I woke up with a big smile. I was at my new school. Finally highschool! I always wondered how school was since I was always home schooled. I woke up got changed into a black crop top fishnet stalkings blue jeans a black choker and my hair on a bun. I was so excited. "JOY COME TO EAT BREAKFAST, ITS YOU FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL" my mom yelled. I ran to the kitchen. "Hi mom" my mom was the only one in the kitchen since my dad past away a few years back. "Hi sweety. How was your sleep?" My mom looked tired she worked all night last night. "Good mom I was just so excited to goto school." I went outside to catch the bus holding the ten dollars my mom gave me. "Shit." The ten dollars was brushed off my hands. "That was my fucking lunch money" I saw this guy a few steps in front of me. I ran to him with a big smile. "Hi you're Wil right?" He looked at me with a blank stare blushing. "Hello?" I said Yea and who are you?" He said. "You're suppose to be my guide." I said. "Oh yea sorry. I forgot, the bus is coming soon. Wanna sit with me?"

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