¥~Chapter 26~¥ ~Wil

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We walked in together. I feel like those movies that are so extra and idk what I'm trying to say lol. I feel like we are perfectly fine. Except for the reason that Joy just dropped that crap of her dying on August 23 on me. I guess it's fine. We have time to have fun together. It's December. And she has months ahead. Hopefully I can get the medication that she needs. But let's have fun. It's fine, yep, it's fine no need to worry.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Joy asks
" Yea I'm fine" I said

We walked and Kris was looking at me weird. It was creepy. Well crap. Lol I thought she liked me but after this she told me that she thought that I looked like so some she knew. I was like okie.Kris seems pretty cool. I like her as a friend.

Joy looked at me with a smile. We walked in and we saw. Her. HER. BRITNEY IS BACK! she is suppose to be at the hospital! I can't believe that they let her out. She nearly killed my girlfriend and now she is back. She didn't even feel sorry. It's unbelievable.

BRITNEY, walks up to our squad. She looks down smiling and said "I'm sorry..."

Joy wasn't there cause when she walked up she ran away. She was upset. It was her first day back since the accident and now this evil girl came to school. And Joy was so excited for picture day.

"Why are you here...." Angelica said with a deep and scary voice.

" cause they said I'm not crazy. Well I am I think I am but they said no. So I got out! Yay right! I know it's bad that I nearly killed your friend. But I am sorry I guess. Heheheheheheheheheheheheh I'm not weird" Britney walks away with a grin on her face.

Angelica was so mad. her eyebrows were all the way down. She runs after Britney. And she punched her in the back of the head.

"OW" Britney yelled

People looked at this well deserved situation. Angelica kept swinging. Pulling her hair and dragging her around the floor.

Joy walks in and smiled but then saw that Britney was actually really hurt. I saw that Joy changed her tank. She walked in the fight to stop it.  

"BOOOOOO" Everyone yelled, but when Joy faced them they stopped.

"Stop it!" she screamed

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