¥~Chapter 36 {Oh No}~¥ ~Joy

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I can't believe I just said that I was too cocky. But it's a deal and I'm awesome at bowling. But if she did win I will definitely not tell her dad. Why would I? She isn't very smart is she. Well she would do the same but with her deal. It's too hard for her to leave me alone. Sometimes I feel like she is stalking me...

"Come on hurry up!" Britney yelled as I was putting on my bowling gloves.

"Hold up!" I yelled back

"What's your problem like wait" Lizzy said
Kris was in the corner hearing her fav songs and she was really upset cause she couldn't go to the k-pop concert. She was eating her pizza sadly and looking at our situation.

Angelica got her book out to keep score of our points. Wil looks concerned and sitting down. His legs shaking up and down like a yo-yo but faster.

Lizzy was standing up and she looked so tense that I was kind of scared. I was ready to beat her behind in bowling. I'm so excited.

I get a ball and got 9 out of ten. After my second chance I took the last one down. Britney got up and she took a ball she looked at the bowling pins and she got 7 out of ten. On her second shot she had 9 out of ten. The last piece was about to fall but it stayed up surprisingly.

I laughed she pouted and stormed back to her seat and watched me go next. Out of all turns I got 9 out of ten. I was winning YES!

Few hours later.....

Joy:198 points
Britney:196 points

We were so close to each other that I was sweating I started breathing heavily thank God I have an asthma pump.

"Ha you're getting tired and you need two more points to win come on weakling." Britney said
"Oh shut up I'm fine." I said
I got ready and took the bowling ball I lined it up and......

I got a strike! I won.
"I WON" I said

Britney storms away not finishing her move she throws the bowling ball near me and it hit my leg.

Oh no.....

To be continued......

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