¥~Chapter 25~¥ ~ Joy

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Oh dear, I already see a bunch of people around the school with a BANNER! What!?!? I'm so urgh!

Watch there be a whole assembly for this. I can't wait for them to use me as an example!


"What happened babe?" Wil asks.
I smile when he called me babe. But then I went back to my pouting face 😣.

He laughed at me.

"What's so funny butthole!" I asked
"Your cute adorable face." He responded.

" what's wrong babe. C'mon just tell me" he complained.

"They will have the ' I'm sorry my daughter nearly killed you' assembly!  I see the banner!"

Wil laughs and his smile lifts my spirit up.

"I 'like' you babe" I said

"I love you too babe" he said.

He didn't hesitate....

I smile.

"Babe I have to tell you something and it's no laughing matter." I said with concern.

"What happened?"

"The doctor said... I can't be healed. My last day is on August 23,2013 I'm sorry babe..."

His head goes down and he starts to cry. Everything was perfect and now I dropped this bomb on him. I don't want to hurt him but letting him know now may help. And letting him know I don't have much days to live is good right?

"Why can't you be healed." He said with a serious voice. It sounded like he was depressed.

" My cancer is severe. It's hard to heal me and we don't have that kind of medication. It's on another country! " I said

"THEN LET'S GO TO THAT COUNTRY. I need you I can't lose you not ever I love you and I can't lose you BABE!" he started crying and the whole bus was quite people were confused but the two girls Lizzy and Angelica know what's going on. Angelica storms off the back of the bus and Lizzy starts to cry.

The bus stops and Angelica was in the back of the bus crying her eyes out. I decided to leave them alone. I had A message from my mom to look for a girl. She really needs someone. It's her first day.

A new girl named Kris was in the bus. I said hi and she looked scared and worried. I saw that she stopped her music. It looks like Kpop. She had books next to her and she was sitting alone.

"Hey want me to walk you around the school. We can be friends." . 😊

"Sure" she puts her headphones around her neck and she seemed pretty cool. She was very smart and I felt like the squad will like her.

"Welcome to Franklin High. It sucks here. Lol but it's also pretty fun and dramatic. Enjoy!" I said while laughing.

" Thanks..... " she said and she started laughing again.

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