¥~Chapter 12~¥ ~ Jøy

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He smiled back at me!!!! What is happening to this world?? I feel so lightheaded. Woah I feel too lightheaded..... *faints* "JOY!?!" Wil screamed with worry.
"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP. PLEASE SHE FAINTED!" Angelica and Lizzy screamed at the same time.
At that time everything went white. I woke up on a hospital bed. My face felt hot. I was cold from the rest of my body. I couldn't breath. I saw Wil, and mom on one side of my bed. Lizzy and Angelica on the other side.
"Mom I c- can't breath." I said with a raspy voice.
"Sweety here" she gave me the thing that most hospitals but in your nose and its clear. (Did not know what it was called so deal with it readers).
It was connected to an oxygen tank. "You'll have to take this to school with you. The doctor said its very important. Don't move around to much please sweetheart. This happened when you were younger you could die by this sweety."
"I know mom" I said still with a raspy voice.
"Joy why didn't you tell me that you had cancer?" Wil asked.
"I didn't want you to feel like you need to be sorry or feel different around me. I wanted people to treat me normally. So don't treat me with pity." I responded
"I won't but you should've told me we are friends. What are friends if you don't tell them anything." Wil said back.
"So you need to take that everywhere now. Here comes more nasty stuff from Britney the bitchy and her gang. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. You don't deserve it" Lizzy said.
"Who are you talking about? Bullies?" My mom asked.
"Its nothing mom I served them right today. I told them something and they kept their mouths shut so next time I'm going to embarrass them more." I said.
"OK sweety but don't hit them and don't get into that many fights you just started school." My mom said.
"OK mom....." I said.

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