¥~Châptër 15~¥ ~Wîl

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I was worried about Joy. Knowing that people are going to judge her tomorrow. It was really scary for all of us. We'll stand by her side tomorrow.
    I feel bad if  I made Lizzy feel bad last night. I got up from my bed knocked on my sisters door. And opened it. Saw her on her phone smiling. "Hey sis. Look I'm sorry that I made you feel bad about yourself yesterday. I do like Joy. And I'm sorry that you think its your fault but it isn't. Bob and Loren didn't want to take care of us cause they never wanted kids. They couldn't afford to take care of us. Luckily we got adopted by two amazing people so please forgive me and yourself. It wasn't your fault."
  "Its OK brother. I just felt like when I told them they immediately wanted us gone. It was right then and there. I know you like her. She is amazing and funny and cute but you know your heart will be broken for a long time. So please think about anything other than her for a moment at least think of her as a friend." Lizzy said.
"OK...... But I'm going to stop pretending to not like her like that when want to. Its not your choice I'm sorry if that's rude but it isn't." I said back.

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