¥~Chapter 35 {Fight Me}~¥ ~ Wil

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I was concerned on how this is going to go. But something is going to happen and I'm not excited for this. I'm scared for Joy I don't know if she is going to be able to bowl but hopefully nothing bad happens. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself right now.

"Are you sure you want to do this" I asked.
"I am so tired of her. Hopefully if I beat her in this she will leave me and you guys alone" Joy responded.
"But what if something bad happens to you?" I asked as I pulled her away from the group.
"What do you mean by that?" She asked
"I mean what if you get hurt or you won't be able to breath or you'll get tired out. I'm just worried that's all. Just please be careful if you are still going to do this ok?" I said sincerely
"Ok...." she said

We then walked back to the group and suddenly......

"Let's do this. Wanna make a deal?" Joy said
"Sure what is it?" Britney asked
"If I win then you can't bother me or make fun of me or even look at me" Joy said
"And if I win?" Britney said
"Then I'll tell your dad not to put you in another school. You can stay in this one" she responded.
"NO!" We all yelled
"Yes..." Britney said with an evil grin.

To be continued......

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