-»5, Caution

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My hands started to shake. Who would send this to me and why? I placed the phone on the coffee table and hugged my knees to my chest. Everything around me suddenly became quiet; I always hated the silence.

Then the door knob rattled.

It didn't last long, but it still scared me to no end. Is someone trying to break in?! What if it's the person that sent me the text and they're here to kill me? Sprinting to the kitchen, I grabbed a knife and held it by my side as the rattling started again. My feet rooted themselves to the floor as I clutched the knife so tight that the handle itself could cut me. My eyes wouldn't leave the door.

The door was thrown open as my dad stumbled in, dropping a couple of groceries and a brief case. I sighed in relief, but kept the knife in my hand as I stared outside the door into the dark street.

I still didn't feel safe.

"Are you going to help me or continue standing there like a statue." Dad bent down, picking up a couple of apples that had spilled out. I put the knife back in its place and went to help him. "Why did you have a knife?"

"I thought someone was breaking in. You can't blame me though. Why were you rattling the door knob?" I stood with his brief case, tempted to open it.

"The light wasn't on so I couldn't see which key was the right one." He shuffled past me to the kitchen, leaving me to close the door.

On the curb was a car much like Xavier's, but a brighter colour and tinted windows. Trying my best not to stare, I closed the door but still seeing the car drive off down the street. Who was that?

"Hey dad, how did you get home?" I questioned when I gave him the brief case.

"Well, my car broke down when I tried leaving the store so I called one of the guys from work to come pick me up. Why, did something happen?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"No!" I answered a little too quick and loud. "I just saw that car outside and thought it was a stalker." I laughed to myself at how stupid that sounded. Dad just shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Nothing is going to happen to me, ok?" I nodded as he brought me into a side hug. "There's still nothing on the Addison case. Has anyone heard from her yet?"

"I don't know. I'll ask around tomorrow. Speaking of which, I'm really tired so I'm just going to call it a night." Dad kissed the side of my head before letting me go. Not forgetting about my phone, I picked it up and raced to my room.

I didn't realise how tired I was until I actually lied down in my ultra comfy bed. I listened to the sound of the wind as I drifted off, thinking about what might happen in the up coming days.


The whispers and stares started the moment I stepped foot on school grounds. Usually they don't get to me, but this is different. This time I don't have someone to protect me, I'm alone. Rumours have already started. They say things like, 'She probably ran away to get attention' or 'She's probably dead.' But they don't know anything, none of us do.

Even teachers couldn't help but glance my way with sad eyes. It's like they're waiting for me to crack or something. I was too concentrated on returning people's stares that I walked into my English teacher, Mrs. Joseph. "Are you ok Sasha? You look a little pale." Her sweet voice rang through my ears.

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