-»34, Intercept

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"I don't have much time, but you're my last resort." I started.

"Of course I'm your last resort! You're dads freaking the fuck out and nobody knows where you are! Oh, that reminds me; Where the fuck are you!" Patrick yelled through the phone, making me borderline deaf.

"Look, I'm in Mexico-"

"Mexico! You've got to be kidding me right now!"

"I know it sounds bad, but it only gets worse. Did dad tell you about the notes?"

"Yes, he also told me how much shit you're going to be in when you get back."

"Well, she told me to go to Mexico and now I'm here. Oh, and guess what, I actually found her!" I paused so Patrick could soak it in. "But, turns out she killed a guy in this gang, they went after her and now we're stuck in their hang out that I'm not even sure is still in Mexico."

"So you could be anywhere?" I almost replied before getting cut off again, "Wait, I'm sorry, gang."

"I know how it sounds." I breathed.

"So, what the hell am I suppose to do? And how are you calling me if your kidnapped by a gang?" He questioned.

"I'm in their control closet and they just happened to have a phone. If you could track this call and find us, then that would be great."

"How the hell am I suppose to track you? They're a gang that has a control room, they definitely have a block on the cellphones." He replied. My stomach churned at the feeling something bad was coming.

"Please, do something." I looked at the panel and found the buttons for the doors. Like Jesse said, they're labeled with North, South, East and West. I decided to press all of them so we have a better chance of getting out and listened to Patrick rant on about how bad the situation is, like I didn't already know.

"... You're going to get killed and then I'll loose both of my best friends."

"I mean, you still have Ashley." I mumbled more to myself then him. This is not the time for me to be weirdly jealous.

"I'll talk to your dad and Zachary." He sighed. "Just please, be careful. I don't want to loose you two."

"You won't." The hairs on the back of my neck stood up at the presence that was looming behind me. I closed my eyes and tried not to freak out. "Bye Patrick." I whisper into the phone.

"Sasha, wait-" I ended the call before he could finish. My breathing hitched as the cold hands wrapped around my neck and dragged me out of the room and through the halls.

My air circulation was being cut off every second passing. My feet continued to loose balance as I was being literally dragged by my neck. Casey pushed my through the door, making me fall to the floor, gasping for air.

We were now on the bottom level of the courtyard. The chair where Addison was is still there and from what I can see, there is a small pool of blood in front of it.

Casey snatched my arm and pulled me up next to him. I hadn't even noticed the megaphone he was holding until now. Why couldn't he of just used the PA system instead of pulling me around like I was a doll and he was a three year old?

"Addison, I have your friend." He started off. He must think she's somewhere around here. "If you don't get your ass here in... I'll give you two minutes, then I'll slice open your friends neck." He dropped the megaphone to the ground and pulled out a pocket knife, pressing it against my neck.

There was complete silence. Nothing moved or made a sound.

"You better pray that they come forward." He whispered, his lips against my ear. I tried to cringe away, but that only made him press the knife harder.

"You sick fuck." I shot through my teeth.

"You have no idea." He laughed. He switched the knife to his other hand and picked the megaphone up once again. "You have one minute!" He roared.

"Let her go." Xavier came up from behind us, holding a gun to Casey.

"You sure have some guts, kid." Casey glared at him as he turned around, still holding me.

"What can I say? I was taught by a guy that doesn't care who's blood he spills." Xavier shot back. "If you let her go, I'll find Addison and bring her to you." So he was willing to spare my life but not Addison's? What the hell happened between the two that he now would rather have her dead over me? We've know each other for like two months!

"Addison cares about her. I have her, I get Addison." He talked about me like he didn't have a knife up to my neck.

"But what about your son? He could easily persuade her to leave." Xavier reasoned. Was he talking about Jesse? Jesse was Casey's son? I was too wrapped up in their family tree, that I didn't notice me even asking a question.

"Are you guys related? Or was that another lie?" It was pointed more at Xavier.

"Nope. I took him in when his parents died-" Casey answered.

"The parents you murdered." I cut in.

"-and this is how he repays me." He completely ignores my cut in and gestures to Xavier holding the gun. On the topic, where the hell are Jesse and Addison? Were they just going to let me die or could they not hear the small megaphone in this literal maze.

"Let her go and I'll find Addison." Xavier repeated. Him and Casey stared at each other for a while; clearly having a secret conversation.

"Fine." Casey completely let go of his hold on me and stepped to the side. Xavier gestured with his head for me to go to him, but I noticed that weird secret conversation and the fact that he's going to throw Addison under the bus. I wasn't going to lead him to her again.

He thought I was going to go to him, but he wasn't expecting me to bolt in the opposite direction. Hopefully Addison and Jesse will find me.


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