-»35, Quietus

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I ran and ran with no idea of where I was even going. Every wall blended into each other, so I could be going in a complete circle without even knowing. Nobody else was walking around, which made me question: Where is everyone?

My legs and lungs were burning, but I didn't let that distract me from finding my friends. Well, friend; I've only known Jesse for a couple of hours.

I rounded a corner and ran right into a hard object. I lost my balance and fell backwards with a groan. Whatever I ran into groaned too. I lifted my head and saw the turquoise hair sprawled on the ground. "Addison!" I sat up fast and pulled her up into a sitting position.

"Damn, forgot how fast you can run." She laughed as she rubbed the back of her head. "I was just looking for you."

"Likewise." I stood up and gave Addison a hand. "Now, the doors are open so we should be able to go."

"We can't, we need to find Jesse." Addison looked behind her and me.

"He was looking for you when I last saw him."

"And he found me. But, we were running and when I turned he wasn't there." She told me before taking my hand and leading us back the way I came. We watched each other's backs and made sure the coast was clear before turning any corner; something I didn't do before.

"Where is everybody?" I asked quietly.

"Probably out doing Casey's dirty business." We turned another corner and heard a faint banging. "What the hell is that?"

"Why are you asking me?" I retorted, slowing my steps as we crept to where the banging was coming from. Somebody was trying to break down the door from the inside. "Could that be him?" I whispered to Addison.

"Probably." We walked over to the door and listened to the grunts of a man trying to break the door. "Jesse?" Addison called out and closed her eyes.

The banging stopped. "Addison?" He questioned from the other side of the door. "I've tried every way to get out of this room and nothing works."

"I mean, you've been in here for like three minutes, but ok." Addison mumbled to herself. "Somebody probably has a key and I'm sure they didn't go that far."

"I'll look for it." I spoke up. Addison turned to me, slightly shocked that I was stepping up to find a guy that could kill me. "You should try and break the lock, I'll look for the guy." She nodded and turned the door to inspect the lock. "Jesse, what did the guy look like."

"He had short blonde hair, wearing a leather jacket with a bear and has a tattoo on his neck of a moon." Jesse described the man as I tried to picture him in my head. Where have I seen a moon tattoo before?

"Ok, I'll be back." I told them both and Addison gave me a worried look before grabbing my hand and opening it. She dropped six bullets in my palm, making me remember the gun in my back pocket. I nodded to her and headed down the hall. I'm sick of this stupid maze.

I passed by many doors and finally found who I was looking for heading my way. He stopped in his tracks and eyed me up and down. He was the same guy from the celebration; the one I thought was Xavier. Speaking of Xavier, where could he be?...

We stood just staring at each other, waiting for someone to make the first move. "I need a key." I reached my hand around my back and grabbed onto the butt of the gun.

"What makes you think I'm going to give it to you?" He smirked. I looked him in the eye and cocked my gun at him. "Have you ever even shot one of those?"

I kept eye contact as a smirk slowly made its way onto my face. He tilted his head to the side and also raised his gun, ready to fire. We were in a old fashion stand off. That was until I fired at his knee and he fell to the ground. He groaned as he held his leg and crashed to the ground. The gunshot must of been heard from at least a mile away, so I have to quickly get back to Addison.

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