-»33, Intent

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"Grab a gun or something." Jesse instructed me as he headed to one of the walls with weapons hanging on them. I still couldn't believe this place. "Here." Jesse places the cool metal in my open hand. I looked at the pistol with fear eating it's way through the back of my mind.

"You do understand I've never actually shot one, right?" I was confused as to why he trusted me with this lethal weapon.

"All you've got to do is load it with ammo, take the safety off and pull the trigger." He shrugged. "I've had practice my entire life." There was a sad tone in his voice, but he quickly masked it with an awkward chuckle. My dads a cop and I wasn't even taught that stuff.

"You've been here you're whole life?" I placed the gun down whilst I watched him look for ammo.


"How long have you known Xavier?" I asked.

"Since we were boys. Our dads were friends but... I'm guessing you know how that story ends." I thought back to what Xavier told me. His dad was killed because he made the same mistake as Addison. "I may not trust Xavier anymore, but, I understand he has no choice; that's why I'm not completely mad at him." He grabbed a handful of bullets and passed some to me. He grabbed his and my gun to load.

"Would you forgive him?"

"Maybe." He answered shortly.

"How did you meet Addison? How long have you known each other?" I continued questioning.

"You like to ask questions, don't you?... I met her through Xavier and I helped her escape after he drugged her." Damn, Addison just has a bunch of secret guys. "Now-" he started but was cut off by the sound of a gunshot. We shared a look of panic before running out the door and looking over the railing.

A guy was on the floor grunting and Addison was nowhere to be found.

"Well, she definitely moves fast." Jesse murmured.

"We have to find her." I stated. Jesse leaned over the railing a bit more then turned to me.

"We're going to have to split up." He told me.

"What do you mean have to?"

"All the exits are locked and the only way to open them is the control room. You go there and I'll look for Addison." He planned out.

"You expect me to know what to press?!" I whisper freaked.

"They're labelled North, South, East and West. All you need to do is open the one that says east and then wait until we find you again. Does that sound too hard?" What if I get caught? What if I press the wrong thing and set off an alarm? What if they realise the door was opened and come to kill me? But we need to get out of here, and if this is the only way...

"Ok. I'll do it."

"The control room is down that hall. Take a right and there would be another small hallway to your left with a door at the end. There's a possibility someone will be guarding it, so I hope you know how to fight." I opened my mouth to object, but Jesse already turned around and was heading to the other side of the courtyard. "Good luck!" He yelled loud enough for only me to hear.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the door that we first came from. The gun in my back pocket felt like it was burning through the fabric of my pants. What if I accidentally kill someone? I shook my head and forced my feet to move one in front of the other.

I followed Jesses directions and found there was a man standing in front of the door. Shit. Should I use the gun to threaten him? He probably has a bigger one hidden somewhere. But it doesn't look like he would be able to hide one in his skinny jeans or way too tight white V neck.

Well, it's worth a shot and I have no idea how much time I've got.

I grabbed the gun and rounded the corner, steadily aiming it at his chest. He looked at me and back at the gun with amusement written on his face.

"Look at you, trying to be all tough and scary." He laughed to himself before hitting the gun out of my hand and onto the floor. That could of gone better. "How the hell did you get out of your room?" His amusement was gone and it was replaced with seriousness.

"Luck I guess." I smirked.

"Well, I hope you had fun exploring." He reached for my arm and I immediately panicked. So I did something I've seen in movies, and something I thought would never work.

I moved to the left, out of his path, and kicked the back of his knee. He lost balance and I took his head, slamming it into the wall. His body slumped, telling me he was unconscious.

Holy shit, it worked!

I stood like an idiot staring at the guy I just knocked out. How the hell did that work? Snapping out of it, I grabbed my gun from the floor and walked into the control room.

More like control closet.

It was just a panel against the wall. with buttons that controlled the exits and the lights. There was a PA system, but what really caught my eye was the phone.

What if can call someone to help us?


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