-»9, Inquest

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My ringtone blared through my dream and forced me awake. It was still dark around me but my phone was lighting up a good portion of the room. When I went to move, the weight of an arm was holding my lower half to the bed. Xavier's soft snores drifted around the room as his body hung half off the bed.

Reaching for my phone again, a number I didn't recognise was calling. Was it the private number from before? Pressing the green button, I put the phone to my ear and was met with silence. "Hello?" Nothing. I checked to see if I pressed the right button, finding I was talking to someone - or nothing. "Hello?" I repeated only to be met with more silence. Xavier's clock showed that it was two in the morning. Who would be calling me at this time?

The phone hung up leaving me in a very confused state. But that was cut short when I got a message that made a chill run down my spine. A message that made me realise that Addison isn't the only one being searched for.

2:05am Private Number: It's not nice to run and hide Sasha Grace.

My breathing came out in pants and I didn't know what to do - What to feel. I knew the people in the dump didn't work there. I knew that car was way to suspicious. My hand continuously ran through my hair, pulling small strands out. I didn't know what to do. My panicking state must of woken Xavier because his hand reached for mine to stop me from pulling the rest of my hair out.

"What's wrong? What happened?" His concerned eyes searched my face, looking for an answer.

"Someone... I think someone's looking for me." I was trying to calm myself so I didn't have a full breakdown.

"What do you mean someone's looking for you?" I showed him the message on my phone as a tear slowly fell out of my eye. What if someone made Addison run away? And what if they're after me next?

"Nobody is going to take you, ok?" His hand landed on my cheek so I was looking at him. "As much as this scares you, we can't take this to the police. Not yet anyway." I opened my mouth to tell him off but he covered it with the hand that was on my cheek. "Trust me." As I looked into his sapphire blue eyes, eyes that looked like a sparkling gem, I realised he may be right. If I tell dad about this, it would start an investigation that would interfere with finding Addison, and he wouldn't let me talk to anybody on the outside world until they found who they were looking for.

"Then what do I do? I can't just ignore this."

"Make sure somebody is with you at every moment. Don't detour somewhere by yourself and definitely don't go outside at night by yourself. Don't make yourself vulnerable." He stared into my eyes with so much seriousness that I nodded my head to agree without any 'ifs' or 'buts'.

He and I could both could tell that I was still super uneasy and in need of some sort of comfort, so when he put his arms around me in an embrace, I let him.


"There you are." Dads happy morning voice sounded through the kitchen. I was still tired after last night and Xavier was even nice enough to drop me off this morning. "Were you sleeping over at Patrick's last night?"

"No, I was at a different friends house. I have more then two friends." I murmured the last part as I opened the cupboard to grab the Fruit Loops box.

"Do I know this friend?" He continued sipping from his coffee.

"I don't think you do." His eyes wondered down to my hand.

"What happened there?"

"I just cut myself with a kitchen knife by accident, It's all good though. Hey, can I ask you something?"

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