-»31, Maltreatment

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My body hurts. My head feels like it's on a forever lasting tea cup ride. How long have I been out for?

I opened my eyes, ready to be blinded by a bright light, but was met by a single dull lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The room was just one big box of grey with people standing around me. My hands and feet were tied to the chair I was situated on and my not quite healed hand was missing it's bandage.

I looked up to the two men beside me and then to the two men standing beside another chair across from me. Addison sat with her eyes blindfolded and her hands and feet also tied down. I wanted to call out to her, but the drop of her head told me she was unconscious.

The door to my right opens and two more men enter before a familiar man makes his entrance. He looks way scarier here than I've ever seen him.

Casey smirks at me as he slowly stalks to the middle of the room. "Glad to see one of the sleeping beauties have woken up." He joked. Deep chuckles filled the room. "Wake her up." He ordered coldly to a man that looked no older than twenty one.

He shook Addison like a rag doll before she lifted her head and let out a whimper. They took the blindfold off and our eyes connected. Fear filled mine and regret filled hers. She removed them from me and looked up at the man towering over her.

"Nice to see you again, Addison." He smiled sickly.

"Fuck off." They looked at each other in complete silence. The tension was so thick, I felt like it was suffocating me.

"You've put me through a lot of trouble these past couple of months." He started circling her like the predator he was. "You killed one of my men and hospitalised many others. You thought you could get away from us, but your little friend led us right to you." He pointed a long strong finger at me.

"Leading and being stalked are two different things." I spoke up. By the look on Casey's face, they could hear the fear.

"Not unless you let one of us in." He said before walking around Addison and stopped in front of me, but still facing her. "I've realised trying to hurt you isn't working out, so I'm going to try a different method." He stuck his hand out to the side and was handed a pair of tweezers. He slowly turned to face me - our eyes connecting for a brief moment - before walking to my left and squatting down.

His cold hand reached down and clasped my wrist. "Tape her." He order and a small strip of duct tape was placed over my mouth.

"Leave her alone!" Addison pleaded from her spot in the chair. But, Casey ignored her.

I clutched my hand closed as tight as I could, but that only made him angrier. "Open your hand or I'll rip all your fingernails out one by one." He whispered into my ear. I whimpered and gave in.

He turned to look at Addison - who was still crying - before looking back at my hand and placing the tweezers over my wound. He presses downward digging right into my vulnerable flesh. The pain shot up my arm, making my eyes squeeze shut. I was screaming, but they were muffled by the duct tape. He started to wiggle the tweezers, only making the pain worst and my body to convulse. My tears were going everywhere and my heart was racing faster than it ever had.

Casey then started to bend the tweezers in a way that it would open the wound completely. I opened one eye and watched the drops of blood start raining down my hand onto the concrete floor. My eyes squeezed themselves shut once more and I let out another muffled scream.

"Please stop! She did nothing! It was all me, just please, leave her alone!" Addison sobbed as she watched me cry.

Casey took the tweezers out of my hand and stood up. The pain was still there, but it wasn't as bad as it was before.  Casey looked at Addison with fury on his face before throwing the blood stained tweezers at her face and leaving the room. The duct tape was ripped off my face and the two men from beside me also left the room.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Addison continued to sob to me as she looked at my bloody hand. One of the two men beside her held her down as the other one untied her. She tried fighting them to get to me, but it was no use.

They were stronger.

She was pushed out the door, still shouting. I was putting all my strength to regaining my breath that I didn't realise the other figure standing at the doorway.


He didn't wear the same look as everyone else. He looked like he wanted to reach out to comfort me. He looked like he wanted to help me. He looked like he wanted to take me back to where I belong; home.

But he didn't.

Instead, he turned and walked back to wherever he came from, leaving me alone and tied to a chair. I wanted to yell at him, but my throat was so dry and sore from the screaming I just did. The throbbing in my hand had died down a bit, but all I could think about the pain I just went through.

I want to go home. Coming here was the worst mistake of my life. What the hell made me think I could come here without anyone to back me up? Why couldn't I just listen to Patrick? Where even am I?

Nobody came in the room for a while, so I was stuck staring at the grey concrete walls for possibly hours.

"Please..." I whispered knowing no one would hear me. My eyes started to become heavy again and just as I was about to close them, the door opened.

A man wearing the gang jacket holding a first aid kit walked in, making zero eye contact. He started fixing my hand and then placed a blindfold over my eyes. He untied me and started guiding me out of the room with his hand firmly clasped around my upper arm. I heard the rattling of keys and the sound of a door unlocking. He pushed me in, took the blindfold off and locked me in the room.

The room was the same as the one I was just in, but instead of a chair, it was a bed.

What are they going to do to me?


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