-»2, Hollow

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"What do you mean she's missing? That's a huge assumption considering this is Addison we're talking about, she's done this before."

"But usually she calls first." Mrs. Emerson let out a sob. "We were hoping you knew where she is. I just want to know that my baby's safe." A silence fell over us. Where could she be? Surely she didn't run away; She would of told me. Then I remember the message she sent last night.

"She messaged me."

"When?" Dad questioned.

"Last night. She hadn't come down to the basement so I messaged her asking where she was. At first I didn't think it was weird but now thinking about it, it was a bit off."

"What did the message say?"

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and pulled up the messages. "She just told me to not worry about her and told me to go home. That's the last I heard of her. I thought she wasn't at school because she was hungover. How could she be missing?"

"I don't know. But I'm sorry, I can't officially do anything until it's been twenty-four hours. But, we'll keep an eye out and as soon as we get anything we'll call you, ok?" Dad stood and gave Mrs. Emerson a hug and a hand shake to Mr. Emerson.

"We appreciate it." Mr. Emerson gave a sad smile to dad as he headed to the door. Just as I was about to follow him and Dad, Mrs. Emerson grabbed my arm.

"I know she couldn't of gone far. I also know that if she was planning to leave the first person she would of told is you. Just, if you get any messages or phone calls from her, tell her we want her to come home and that we love her. Please." She pleaded.

"Of course." I nodded as I followed her to the door. With one last hug, I closed the door and started asking myself questions.

Where would she go? Why would she not answer calls from her parents? Why wouldn't she tell me? What did she need to do last night? The questions just kept coming. The only thing I could put it to is that whatever she did last night must of been something very personal if she didn't tell me.

"You ok kiddo?" Dad spun me around so I was facing him.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied. "I'm just really hungry at the moment."

"Well then let's start making dinner. I could really use some macaroni and cheese." He smiled then turned around and headed for the kitchen. I know it's been hard on him since mum died. He's had to take up parenting for both sides whilst handling a job that sometimes needs 80% of his attention.

I followed him to the kitchen and helped him make dinner. I always loved making dinner with dad because it always ended in a mess. Somehow a thing of flour will be spilled everywhere even if we're not using it. I'm so happy I have him, even if he's hard on me sometimes.


I couldn't sleep. As much as I tossed and turned I couldn't find any comfortable position to sleep in. The same questions from earlier were floating through my mind and they wouldn't leave. Did she leave with someone? Did she run away with someone I didn't know about?

I hate not knowing.

Even though I knew I wouldn't get a reply, I sent her messages.

12:14am Sasha: Where are you? What happened?

12:15am Sasha: Are you in trouble? Can I help?

12:17am Sasha: please.

I didn't expect a reply. If she didn't answer her parents calls I doubt she would answer my messages.

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