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"Addison was a wonderful daughter, friend and overall person. It's sad that we are now missing her presence in this world..." The funeral director went on and on about how amazing Addison was, but he didn't know her like we did. I looked at all the friends and family that were standing around the casket; half of them I didn't even know existed. People like Jacob and Ashley looked depressed, but shed no tears.

I was numb.

Patrick held my hand tight with his gaze to the ground. Isabelle Emerson's muffled sobs was the only other noise that floated through the graveyard. She held onto Justin Emerson like he was the only one she had left.

It made me sick.

She doesn't know about what he's been doing. He never told her.

But, I still followed Addison's last dying wish. I told them she loved them and that she forgave him. I told Patrick she said goodbye and I paid Emera a visit and told her Addison wished to have more time with her. I saw Emera standing up the back, not too far away from the couple. She deserved to be here. She tried to hide the fact that she was crying, but we all saw it.

We were all allowed to cry.

As the reception went on, I looked out for a certain someone. I looked to see if they would turn up. If they were happy they got what they wanted. But they never showed up.

And thankfully neither did Xavier.

He killed her. But, after we sat crying for what felt like ever, he was the one that distracted Casey enough to let us escape. Jesse carried Addison's body out. We went to a nearby hospital and pleaded for them to revive her. But there was nothing they could do; she was already dead.

I haven't seen Xavier since. Dad told me they went to search his house but they had packed up and left. Casey must of had his men do it whilst he held us in captivity.

Maybe one day I'll forgive him. But that day won't be anytime soon.

Jesse and I went to the police station after leaving the hospital and they contacted my dad. Turns out he was already on a flight down there. I remember sitting there, a police jacket wrapped around my shoulders for comfort. He walked in and immediately I broke down again. He held me in his arms like he did when mum died, also shedding tears of his own.

I explained everything to him.

I explained the night she went missing and how I went to Xavier's house and found her shoes with the note. I told him why I went to the warehouse the first time and told him how I visited Mums grave because of Addison. I told him everything that happened since I got to Mexico and how much of a mistake it was.

I told him what happened when Addison got shot.

I told him about the gang and Xavier. He was furious and told me how they'd find them; but I didn't want him to. Something inside me wanted them to be left alone so they'd leave me alone. So I won't make the same mistakes.

We left later that day. As I exited the police station, I turned to look at Jesse. Addison's blood still soaked his shirt and mine. He gave me a sad smile before turning and speaking with a police officer.

I never saw him again.

Maybe he went to California. Or, maybe he is on a flight to some foreign country just to get away from his monster of a dad. But I hope he's ok, he seemed to be genuinely nice. I guess I'll never know the story of him and Addison.

I didn't leave my room for three weeks when I got home. After passing on the messages to Addison's parents and Emera, I went M.I.A.

Patrick came to see me everyday and was there when I woke up and sometimes when I went to sleep. He just held me as I continued to cry everything I've held in for the past two years.

After the funeral we all separated. People started walking back to their cars holding each other, but I walked over to the Emerson's and gave them a hug. "I tried..." My words wouldn't come out right.

"We know." Isabelle smiled through her sadness. "Thank you." I gave them a nod and watched them walk to their car. Dad looked at me to check if I was ok; I gave him a smile that didn't reach my eyes and went to sit under a willow tree.

The wind blew against my face like little kisses. Everything around me was dead silent, ironic considering we're in a cemetery.

A body sat down next to me and looked out into the small forest in front of us. I looked at Patrick with admiration. I know he's slowly breaking inside, but he's holding himself well.

"Everything's going to be ok, right?" I stupidly asked him.

"It will be." He smiled at me.

"What if the gang come looking for me? What are we going to do then?"

"They're not going to. But, if they do, I'll protect you. I'm not going to let them hurt you again." He grabbed my hands and looked me deeply in the eyes as he pressed kisses on them.

I know he will protect me and I'll protect him. It's what we'll always do.

I looked back to the forest and leaned my head on Patrick's shoulders.

Turquoise hair caught my eye. Her devilish green eyes caught mine from across the valley. She chuckled and made silly faces at me.

A laugh coughed itself up my throat.

She just stood there in her leather boots and flannel, looking like she always does. Her smile brightened the day and cleared the sky of clouds.

Then she vanished.





The End

Vanish: SashaWhere stories live. Discover now