-»32, Clandestine

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I've come to the conclusion that grey will be the last colour I see. It feels like hours I've been staring at these grey walls and ceiling. The bed I've been lying on is hard and I can feel the springs under the mattress. God, I miss my bed at home.

Footsteps walking up and down the hall were the only noises I've been hearing since I was locked in here. Where's Addison? Where's Jesse?

The throbbing in my hand was no more but it hurt to move in certain angles. At least they were nice enough to re-bandage it.

Voices were talking down the hall before footsteps stopped in front of my room. The sound of the door unlocking filled the silent room, making me sit up and watch as it slowly opened. In came another man I've never seen before. He looked at me with a dark smile before ruffling up the front of his shit brown hair. He looked at me like he knew he's the one with the power at the moment.

"Addison killed my brother." He said, holding his gaze. "Do you know what that feels like?"

"Yes." I simply answered. I don't know what this guy wants from me, but I don't want to give it to him.

"How could you possibly know?" He lightly laughed. I kept my mouth shut, not telling him of my loses. "I just want to know. I want to know what she was doing whilst I was grieving over my last piece of family." He continued to take steps closer to me. "So tell me, what was she doing?"

"I don't know." I answered honestly.

"What do you mean you don't know? You have to know!" He seemed to be getting aggravated very quickly.

"I never spoke to her after she left."

"Bullshit!" He stomped his foot on the ground like a child. "Maybe I can do something to make you remember." He looked me up and down. I started to shake. He towers over me no doubt, and he would probably know how to fight considering he's in a gang; He could do anything.

He jumped on me and pinned my hands down. I muffled a cry at the way he was holding my wrist. I kicked my legs to try and get him to move, but his weight was too heavy. He started to reach for my bandage, freeing my other hand.

"Get off!" I yelled at him and I started slapping him across the head and kicking at his legs. My bandage was off, making me hit and kick harder, but that only made him more furious. He lifted his right hand and was ready to smash it against my head, but he was pulled off and thrown across the room.

Xavier stood next to my bed, glaring down at the man who was just on top of me. "You don't touch her." His voice was cold.

The other man looked at Xavier with humour dancing in his eyes. A chuckle left his lips as he stood up from the ground and walked over to us, stopping a couple inches from Xavier. "You don't give the orders around here, and I can do whatever I want to her and any other girl." He snarled. Xavier pushed him in the direction of the door.

The guy turned to look at me one last time with a smile, before turning and walking out.

Xavier remained standing next to me, trying to not look at me. "I didn't need your help." I stated.

"Yes, you did. If I didn't come when I did then maybe something worse could of happened; He was already on top of you." He implied. It made me sick to think about what else he could of done.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Was he just parading outside my door?

"I've been making sure none of the men come in here and torment you. I was just a little late this time." So he was probably the majority of the footsteps Ive heard outside.

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