-»15, Liberation

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A little over a week.

That's how long I've been locked up in school and in my own home. Patrick visited me a couple of times and didn't fail to mention how flattered he was that he was the only one trusted in the house. Xavier left me messages telling me updates about the Addison investigation that I didn't bother questioning how he got.

They still haven't found anything that could tell us where she has gone and they also have no leads on who trashed her room.

I spent most of my time in my room researching any new updates about the warehouse and found nothing. I definitely wasn't about to ask my dad about anything because I'm suppose to be ignoring him. I've reread all the letters Addison left and examined them very closely, just incase there was anything hidden in them. Of course there wasn't.

But now I'm sitting in the living room watching reruns of Teen Wolf on a Friday night.

"I'm leaving for a couple of minutes to check in on the station. You know the rules." I stayed silent and watched dad retreat to the door. The episode I was watching ended right as my stomach growled. I got up to find my phone to order pizza, the same meal I had last night. My diet isn't really the best.

I stared at the closed front door with the feeling I should go to it. Shaking my head, I continued to dial the Dominos delivery number and waited for someone to pick up. But my eyes still drifted to the wooden door. Knowing the feeling was going to get the best of me, I made my way over to the door after putting my order in for a pepperoni pizza.

I opened it and let the cool breeze hit my face. The street was silent and dimly lit up... With a black car.

The same car I saw outside the car dump was parked down the street under the light of the lamppost. My immediate reaction was to slam the door and get as far away from it as possible. How is it that I've seen this car about two times now just parked in random places.

I grabbed my phone and dialled the only person I could at this point.

"Hello?" His sleepy voice spoke. It's only six thirty, why is he sleeping?

"Xavier, I need you here. Now." I rushed out.

"Why?" He sounded more awake.

"Just please. I'm home alone and its here."

"What is?"

"The car! Xavier please!" I begged him trying to stay calm. I'm home alone in a house even though I'm being stalked. Not the best idea. I explained quickly that it was the same black one I saw at the car dump and outside my house a couple of days ago.

"Ok, I'll be there." He hung up and I slowly made my way to the window next to the door. It's still there looking very sketchy. I walked back to the kitchen and stood close to the knives, just incase someone broke in. The hum of the TV was the only sound in my house.

My phone buzzed next to me, but I was too afraid to look at it. I quickly picked up my phone and it was lit up by a message from Xavier telling me he was outside. Relief flooded through me.

A knock was placed on the door and I quickly went and opened it to a sleepy looking Xavier. "The cars gone." He stated. I looked back out into the street and saw he was right. "I didn't see anybody in it when I drove past but I'm guessing somebody hopped in and drove away, quickly."

"They probably knew somehow that I called someone." The thought was stupid, but plausible. "Why are you so tired?" I let him in and we walked to the couch.

"I told you, my uncle has been making me work at night. Now, didn't I tell you to not be alone?" He spread out on my couch and put his arm over his eyes.

Vanish: SashaWhere stories live. Discover now