-»21, Unchaste

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The sunshine was blinding as it shined through the opened curtains. The space beside me where Xavier last was is empty. I looked around the room not finding him anywhere but I heard the shower running. His laptop was on the floor beside the bed and food was everywhere. I smiled as I looked down at Xavier's shirt. He gave it to me last night when I took a shower.

"Xavier." The door burst open and a man walked through. It was the same one I've seen Xavier talk to multiple times in the school parking lot. He was tall, his hair slicked back and stubble all over his chin and jaw. He looked around the room before spotting me in the bed. We were silent as we looked at each other. He didn't seem like the type to be happy finding a girl in his nephews bed. Xavier came out of the bathroom and looked between us both before casually making his way over to sit next to me.

"You should of told me you'd have a lady friend over." His voice was stern as he looked between us. "You could of at least introduced me to her."

"Sasha, this is my uncle. This is Sasha." Xavier seemed hesitant as he made direct eye contact with his uncle. "Happy now?"

"Not quite. You know you're not suppose to have surprise guest over."

"I would have told you but it was a last minute decision. There's something complicated going on that she needed my help with." He sounded like he was trying to stay calm. Like he was being careful with the words he chose.

"Maybe I should go now. You helped me enough." I started to get up before the mans voice stopped me.

"You don't have to leave. Stay. I would like to know all about Xavier's new friend." He eyed me up and down, making me really uncomfortable in this situation. "You can call me Casey." I sat back to where I originally was and looked over to Xavier.

"I think Sasha has somewhere important to go." A secret message passed between the two before Casey chucked Xavier a package.

"Don't let this happen again." His voice was cold as he looked at me one last time before walking out. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. Casey was definitely a intimidating man and it seems like he kind of scared Xavier.

"Sorry about that." Xavier apologised as he put the package into a bed side table draw. "He has a habit of being a dick."

"It's fine. Everybody has a relative they don't want anyone to meet." I replied.

"Trust me, I know." He laid back against the headboard and closed his eyes.

"Did you even get any sleep last night?" I looked at the under eye bags that were clearly showing.

"With you snoring I couldn't." He tried joking. "I got a little but woke up and never got back to sleep. I'm fine though, sleep can't defeat me." He smiled.

"It will one day and we can't have that at the moment." He opened his eyes to look at me then randomly grabbed a strand of my hair.

"I can't imagine you with blonde hair." He twirled the piece around his finger.

"Then don't." I gave a small smile before looking out the window. "What's the time?" Xavier dropped my hair and grabbed his phone from the bed side table.

"9:05. You wanna go in today?" He asked referring to school.

"Nah. Like you said the other day; we deserve a break." I got up and grabbed my clothes to go change in the bathroom. There was a nagging feeling telling me I shouldn't take a break, just in case. But I deserve to; if Addison can take a vacation, then I can take a break.

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