Chapter 2

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"Oi..." I heard a stern voice say, "wake up." My eyelids flew open and I uneasily looked around the room as daylight exfoliated the black coloured walls.
The black walls were the only thing that was in the room, and I was very confused.

"Look at me." A deep voice startled me as I whipped my head to the left. There, standing centimetres from my face was a man. His eyes were brown, and his hair was a soft silver colour. I would've enjoyed looking at him, if i wasn't so intimidated. "Do you know who you are?" He asked me and I rubbed my temples gently. "I'm....(Y/N)..." I spoke in a rasp before coughing and sitting myself up in the bed.

I suddenly realised that I was naked beneath the sheets and pulled them up over my body as I hid myself. The man didn't seen bothered by it in anyway, he just stood with his hands in his jean pockets with a plain expression. "Well you're just lucky to be alive aren't you? I guess I should get Jimin now...if you survived last night than I'd be super careful of this one." He walked out of the room and left me in a confused state.

'Where the fuck am I!?' I thought to myself and looked down to my arms. There was soot covering them, and bruises from everything I had endured. A bomb. The recoiling sound of the doors blasting open began to replay as I went to stand up with my throbbing head. With the sheets wrapped around me I went to step forward and immediately fell down.

There was a tightening feel around my neck and I ran my fingers over the object. A collar, as if I were a dog. I began to try and find a buckle- someway for me to take it off. But I couldn't feel anything. I felt panicked and began to frantically squirm.

"Well look at you...." A voice said from the doorway. As my head shot up to his voice, my hair fell around my shoulders, the stressed colours of pale white seeping at the roots. "W-Who are you..?" I asked him as I shuffled around and sat myself up against the bed, holding the sheet tightly to my body.

The man smiled and came in. He sat down beside me as I leaned against the edge of the bed. I noticed how handsome he looked, and his hair was a beautiful shade of light purple. "I'm Jimin. I'm sorry about Yoongi, he is a bit of a cold man." I nodded and gulped as I went to ask my second question, "who are you people?"

There was a chuckle from Jimin, "you'll find that out a bit later. Right now I want you to tell me everything you know about Yong-Jun. Who he worked with, what drugs he delt. Every detail." Rather than the soft voice he had spoken before, it was now hard and serious. I shifted nervously as I crossed my arms across my chest. Tears were forming in my eyes. Have I gone from one hell to another, will my life ever be worth living!

"Jiminnn," a voice began to say from the hallway, "She has to go for a bath before you ask her the questions!" A voice shouted, someone who sounded a lot more happier than they should be. Jimin sighed and stood up as he leant behind me and grabbed a lead. "Please excuse me." He said as he leant toward me and clipped the lead to my collar, "Namjoon said this is the most efficient way of moving you."

I resisted as he gave me a gentle tug. I didn't want to move- I was too scared. I was so confused about everything and who these people were. Jimin gave me an agitated glance before leaning down and simply scooping me into his arms- bed sheets and all as he left he room. A soft gasp left my lips as I clung to him and closed my eyes. "Hoseok! The bath is ready?" Jimin asked another man, who had red hair and a bright white smile. "Yeah! Oh hey (Y/N)! Glad you're finally awake!"

'How does he know my name...?' I thought to myself as I watched Hoseok leave the bathroom with a small wink and a smile. I looked to the bath, there were bubbles filled up to the brim completely covering the water surface. "In you go." Jimin said as he set me down, holding up the sheet that covered my bare body. In a swift and uncomfortable movement I was in the water and covering myself with bubbles.

Jimin dropped the bed sheet and sat on the edge of the bath, the leather in his jacket gently gleaming from the bathroom light. "Now, answer my questions." He asked and I took a sharp breath. "Well...I didn't get to see most of his business-" I chocked on my words. "Please I was kidnapped by Yong-Jun. You need to help me, he will come after me and-"

I remembered that Yong-Jun was dead. The one named, 'jungkook' had killed him right in front of me. I looked down at my chest and could still see the faint blood splatter. There was a somewhat relief in my mind, but I was still terrified of the situation I was in at that moment. "What drugs did he deal?" Jimin asked, his patience was obviously growing thinner by the second.

I played with the bubbles to try and calm myself down, "the drugs I saw were usually cocaine, I think. But I don't know- I don't understand it. They never spoke about that kind of stuff in front of me." Jimin nodded and sighed as he turned towards the sink and grabbed a sponge throwing it back towards me. "Wash yourself, and I'll send someone in with a fresh set of clothes for you. There is an alarm on the door so if you try to leave the alarm will sound and you will die." He smiled once more before stepping out of the room and closing he door behind him.

"What the fuck is this place..?" I whispered to myself as I began to silently sob.

((Jimin with purple hair is my fave
Yoongi with silver is just to die for
Hoseok with red is my religion.

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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