Chapter 14 - Hoseok

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After the whole day with Yoongi, I was back in the Glass Room for an unpleasant and rather sleepless night. I wondered who I was going to be greeted by today while I rubbed my eyes of sleep and stretched out the aches in my body.

"(Y/N)! Are you awake yet?" I heard the cheerful voice of Hobi on the other side of the wall.

"Yes I am." I mumbled and in burst an energetic Hoseok.

"Come on! We have a lot to do today! Let's go go!~" Hobi removed my collar and grasped my hand tightly as he sped out the door and down the hallways while talking.

"First we've got to give you a bath and I can show you the clothes I went and bought for you to wear! Then you and I are going to go and do some grocery shopping. I trust that you'll be on your best behaviour for that as well, please?"

Hobi sounded like he really didn't want me to try anything out in public. It was like he was hinting to me that he was trying to give me a chance to show the group my loyalty to them.

"So first, a chance for you to bathe. Come on!" Hobi took me into a bathroom and shut the door behind him. I turned to see the bathtub full of water and bubbles, a set of clothes were once more sat on the vanity.

"I'll turn away while you're getting undressed." Hobi told me as he turned and faced the door with a rather dramatic spin. He even went as far as to cover his eyes. I quickly stripped and stepped into the water before submerging myself. Hobi came and sat on the side of the bathtub as he cup his hands with the warm water and poured it over my head- startling me for a moment. "You wash your body and I'll wash your hair for you k'ay?"

I didn't need to answer because Hobi just started washing it anyways. I will admit that it was embarrassing that Hobi was washing my hair, but what made me even more embarrassed was that he could wash it better than I could ever do myself. His touch was gentle and I almost dozed off from relaxation at one point. I washed my face and the rest of my body while Hobi began to rinse my hair carefully.

"Very beautiful hair you have, I love the colour as well~ it's nice and clean now which makes you look even better! Now get all dried off and I'll come back in once you are dressed." Hobi stood and dried his hands before smiling to himself as he saw his reflection in the mirror.

"I hope you like the clothes I picked!" he chimed before walking out and closing the door behind him.

- Time Skip -

It was a plain white shirt and a flano print plaited skirt which wasn't too short. It at least covered me well. I decided to tuck the shirt into my skirt and slip on the soft black knitted sweater that came with it. I dried my hair off once I was dressed and put it up once more and called out to Hobi. He walked in instantly and clapped as he looked me up and down.

"Gorgeous darling! Now we must go and get food for the hungry children of the house." He chuckled to himself before taking my hand again and pulling me out with him as we went into a part of the house I wasn't familiar with.

As we walked by Jin came out of a nearby room and smiled when he saw me. "You're looking well-"

"No time to chat Jin-Hyung. We have to go and get the food for dinner!" Hobi called over his shoulder, and I turned and gave an apologetic smile to Jin while he stood expressionless in his doorway.

- - - -

The car ride was longer than I thought it was going to be but I enjoyed it. I wanted to take as many notes on my surroundings in case I had a chance to escape. I knew it would be terrible if I stayed with my second captures, this was my chance to try and get my life back. Hobi turned on the radio and happily sung along with the song as we drove along the smooth road before we hit the town.

It wasn't one that i recognised which upset me, but I was eager to walk around in society once more. We parked out the front of the grocery store and both Hobi and I stepped out while sitting out car doors.

"You'll have to link your arm with mine. Just to be safe." I didn't complain and instead do as he told me to. I gently grasped his arm as I began seeing people with children walking around with huge smiles. The whole ordeal was new to me, as it had been so long since I had come into contact with happy people.

Hobi continued smiling and grabbed a basket as he began to look around. "The real question is where to begin." He said with a short chuckle.

Once we were finished, we loaded everything into the car and got in without a fuss. Before Hobi started the car he looked to me with eyes that sparkled. "You were so well behaved! Wait till Namjoon hears this. He will be pleased I think!" Hobi continued talking while we drive back toward...home. That place wasn't something I wanted to refer to as 'home' but it was all I had.

Instead of drowning myself in negativity I instead smiled brightly and continued talking with Hobi all the way home, and he was more than happy to have a pleasant conversation with me about anything that popped into his mind. For the first time in a long while, I felt myself smiling without being forced to.

((Hobi is such a positive boy!~ we all love and appreciate our hope, our angel...


Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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