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As the door opened and light shrouded into the room. My eyes could only see the siloette of the person who stood in front of me. Immediately I let out a muffled scream and waited for my eyes to adjust.

When they did finally adjust, my eyes widened as I finally saw the person I had longed for the most. The one who I was missing more than ever before..

And the one that I loved, was now finally here for me at last..


"It took longer than I anticipated but I've finally found you," Jin said, striding toward me and untying my bounds before gently running his thumb against the chaffed areas with a soft sigh before whispering, "I'll get you out soon Sweet heart."

My eyelids felt heavy as all the tension that had built up within me had finally been released underneath a single one of Jin's touches. I shuddered as I felt his fingertips leave my skin, his arms picking me up and adjusting me against the wall so that I was sitting up straight.

"You've got to stay awake for me." Jin whispered as he gently tapped my cheek with his fingertips as an encouraging wake up call before his attention was diverted to Jae-joon's presence which was behind him. I watched as Jin's expression faltered for a moment before he patted his ankle and stood up to face the male.

"Seokjin." Jae-joon cooed as he smiled sickly to the man he addressed so formally, "so nice of you to come here. But alas, it'll be the last time you go anywhere." As he raised a gun to Jin, he shook his head before speaking once more, "you were such a waste of talent. We could've been great together but you want to take my prize. And she is mine."

Jin cringed before kneeling down to the floor, looking up to Jae-joon with a small smirk on his lips as his hands sat down by his feet.

"You believe she is an object rather than a person? That's the most disgusting thing I've ever had to hear. Both you and your father make me equally sick." Jin could've ranted for a lot longer, but he sucked up the courage to hold his tongue as he watched Jae-joon's finger twitch against the trigger.

"I know she is an object because what other worth does she have? She is an object of pleasure for myself and nothing else in my eyes. So why do you care so much when I know that it isn't what you used to be like." Jae-joon smirked in the slightest inch when he realised he had struck a nerve on Jin.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jin said in a calm manner, but his tone alerted me that he was becoming annoyed with the way things were turning. He still, however, remained in his crouching position with his knuckles turning white from the amount of pressure he was applying to the ground beneath him.

"By the look on your face I'm sure you do know. You used them up as much as the next person did. When my father managed to get his hands on her,"
Jae-joon paused and gestures to me before continuing, "he knew that you would take her as quickly as he got her."

"But I didn't," Jin challenges as his hand slowly reached up to his left ankle, "it took us years before we even managed to get her in our protection-"

"And yet I got her back so easily. So tell me Seokjin, if you didn't care about her at all then why are you here right now, crouching in front of her and protecting her?" Jae-joon challenged.

Jin grinded his teeth together in annoyance before slowly reaching into his sock, "because I was stupid enough to allow myself to fall in love with her. I let my guard down because I believed that I was capable enough to keep her safe. The only reason I am here now is to bring her back home with me."

"No other reason?" Jae-joon questioned as he took a step toward Jin with his finger now ready to pull the trigger back entirely. Jin took in a breath before grasping a small dart between his finger tips as he looked up to Jae-joon.

"And killing you." Jin coaxed, raising his hand and quickly throwing the small-silver dart into Jae-joon's arm. As it pierced the skin, Jae-joon seized up and immediately dropped the loaded weapon as he crumbled into a heap onto the cold floor that was once below him.

"Succinylcholine," Jin spoke as he stood up and dusted his shoulders with a smug look on his face as he leant down to Jae-joon's face, "it has a paralysing effect on the muscles and nerves which also includes your respiratory system which will eventually shut down due to lack of oxygen."

Jin sighed as he patted Jae-joon's chest with a smile, "the best thing about this drug is that you have to stay wide awake while you choke to death. That should give you enough time to think about every life you've ruined while you've been living your life and not missing a wink of sleep."

When Jin stood up, he turned to me with a sweet smile and quickly lifted me up into his arms as he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. He simply walked away from Jae-joon's slowly chocking body, with not a second thought about it.

"Did you mean it?" I whispered to him as I watched his gaze focus on the hallways ahead of him as he navigated his way out of the house.

"Which part?" Jin questioned.

"The part where you said you loved me." I stated, earning a shaky sigh from Jin as he stopped at the front door with me clinging to his shirt as he held me in his arms. Jin set me down in front of him while his eyes met mine with an intense glint.

"I promise you that I meant every single word that I said in that room, my heart?" Jin asked as he gently took my hand and placed it over his heart with a warm look in his eyes, "my heart only beats for you Sweet heart."

I took in a shaky breath as Jin's lips connected with my own within seconds as he delivered a small amount of the love that he had to offer through a kiss. As he broke it off, he opened the door of the building and continued to walk out of the house with his hand laced with my own.

"Jin, how did you get that drug?" I asked him as I realised that the drug he used to kill Jae-joon wasn't something that you came across everyday on your pharmacy shelves.

Jin simply chuckled before answering with an answer that I realised only Jin would ever say.

"I raided their supply unit."

I chuckled as I shook my head and saw the members of bangtan walk toward us from the parked cars, "let's go home." I whispered to him as I gave his hand a small but firm grasp.


Our Prize [BTS x Reader] Mafia AU!Where stories live. Discover now