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As the door opened and light shrouded into the room. My eyes could only see the siloette of the person who stood in front of me. Immediately I let out a muffled scream and waited for my eyes to adjust.

When they did finally adjust, my eyes widened as I finally saw the person I had longed for the most. The one who I was missing more than ever before..

And the one that I loved, was now finally here for me at last..


"(Y/N)!" He shouted as he ran toward me after flicking on the light, cupping my face in his hands as he examined my wounds with a gaze full of concern. I winced slightly before melting into his warmth and whimpering as I remembered what was to come next.

'I need to warn him..' I thought to myself, frantically trying to hint to Yoongi that I wanted the gag removed. He noticed and slipped it from my mouth, immediately running a hand across the side of my head gently.

"Behind you!" I screamed as loudly as I could, worried that my voice would falter under the anxiety of the situation. Immediately Yoongi turned and saw that the door was slowly being closed by Jae-joon as he stepped out from behind it with a disgusting and evil grin plastered across his face, a metal pipe firmly grasped in his left hand.

"Let's play a game.." he growled out, "it's called murder in the dark." His hand travelled up towards the light switch and within a split second, the room was embraced in darkness.

I felt useless, robbed once again of everything that made me who I was. All I could do was try not to scream in fear of what was to happen. I felt a warm hand against my neck, the familiar touch of Yoongi before he moved away from me, his touch lingering against my skin.

"You cannot escape me," I heard Jae-joon say as he moved around the room, attempting to locate Yoongi who seemed to be avoiding the hunter with ease. I held my breath as I listened to the quick shuffling of feet across the floor. My skin became rippled with goosebumps as I attempted to listen for who was where.

Before too long, the anxious atmosphere had overpowered me and my breath was now caught in my throat as I attempted to try and calm myself down. I listened to the occasional grunt of annoyance from Jae-joon as he struggled to find Yoongi in the darkness, apparently not finding them straight away was new to his game.

Suddenly a struggle had broken out within the silence. The hunter had finally found its prey. I listened to the grunts and the rumadging as they fought over one another's strength. Interrupting the chaos was a large thud, and another, and another which was followed by the sound of someone falling to the ground.

Fearing the worst I let out a chocked cry as I pictured Yoongi's defeat. I didn't want to believe that something had happened to him, but I was terrified. The thought that he may have been injured, on my account, hurt more than anything.

Deep breaths could be heard inching towards the lights, and they were flicked back on. In fear I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to witness anything that was before me. "Yoongi.." I whispered and began to cry, my tears leaking from my eyes as I began to cry with all the energy I had.

"Did you forget?" His voice whispered sweetly, reaching my ears and creating a wave of relief to flow through me as my eyes burst open to see Yoongi standing, unharmed, with the metal pipe firmly in his grasp with a grin on his face, "the dark is my element."

I dropped my head and let my tears fall down my face while Yoongi walked toward me and knelt down by my side as he untied my bounds. I looked up to him and gave him a weak smile before throwing my arms around him, collapsing into his embrace as I cried into his shoulder.

Yoongi dropped the pipe, creating a loud echoing noise that filled the room, and instantly wrapped his arms around me as he rested his face in the crook of my neck as we shared and remembered the familiarity of each other's embrace.

"I'm so sorry that this happened Baby. It shouldn't have taken this long to get to you and I'm so sorry that I had to make you wait for all this time."

I gently wiped my tears away, sniffing while pulling away from him and gently cupping his face as I looked deep into his eyes. All I saw was the gaze of a purely apologetic man who didn't have a bad bone in his body for the ones that he loved.

"You're here now.." I whispered to him and gently ran my thumbs across his soft cheeks with a smile, "You're here..." I repeated and pressed my lips to his in a desperate attempt to reconnect with him. Yoongi returned the kiss softly, but I felt the longing he was aching with.

He pulled away and looked to me with relief as he realised I was back. I was safe. For the first time in a long time I was safe once more.

"Lets go home.." he told me as he lifted me up into his arms, wrapping my legs around him and resting my arms around his neck as I sat my head on his shoulder. I gently squeezed him as we walked past the now dead Jae-Joon and out into the empty halls of that hell house.

As Yoongi proceeded through to the exit, the members all stood with smiles on their faces, glad to see that both Yoongi and I had come out safe. Yoongi held onto me, protectively looking past the members as he walked towards the cars with determination to get me back to complete safety.

"I love you Min Yoongi." I whispered to him as my eyelids became heavy and dropped shut from exhaustion. Yoongi opened the door to the car before smiling at me with a soft gaze as he laid me down in the backseat with my head resting in his lap as he closed the door behind him.

As the members returned to their cars, Jimin got into the drivers seat and Hoseok remained in the passenger as they began to drive back.

"I love you as well, Han (Y/N)."


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