Chapter 27 - Jin

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- Jin's POV -

I gripped the steering-wheel tightly as I drove the SUV toward the safe house. I wasn't completely ok with the fact that we were still using that house. We all grew up there with one another while our fathers dealt with their business.

It wasn't the way to raise a child.

And I wasn't comfortable with the fact that (Y/N) was there alone with Jimin-ah. He was a unpredictable little shit- but I shouldn't be envious. I was the first to have (Y/N) all to myself as far as I was concerned. And that was enough for me.

I unlocked the gates with the electronic button attactched to the roof and quietly drove through with my eyes scanning the area around me. I wasn't comfortable with the fact that Jae-joon was lurking around the place. I didn't like that he had finally figured out what Kon's treasure was.

Last night we discovered that Jae-joon was planning to ambush the house with some guards. Unfortunately they weren't strong enough...which was good on our behalf. I was more glad that (Y/N) wasn't in the house to witness all the horrors.

...and The Golden Maknae.

I stepped out of the car with a fresh bag of clothes for (Y/N) sling across my back as I parked and shut the door quietly looking down at the gravel beneath my feet with furrowed brows. Jungkook's condition was something that caused a problem- especially when we had to do jobs. But luckily we all have our own ways to snap him out of it- but sometimes....

I lifted up my shirt to look at the fresh new bruise across the skin of my torso while sighing in annoyance.

Sometimes it can't be helped as easily.

I stepped into the old house, immediately feeling nostalgic about my past experiences. I could almost see my brothers in arms walking around this house- making our own memories while our fathers did untold sins. But it's not like I can talk, all of us are unpredictable in different ways.

And we chose to pursue our father's wishes.

I headed for the bedroom and opened the door. I looked to the bed to see (Y/N) gathered within the sheets as she slept peacefully. The room seemed to be bare of Jimin. I walked through quietly and took a seat on the side of the bed as I looked down at her while she laid undisturbed.

I gently reached out toward her with my hand. Taking a small piece of loose hair I tucked it behind her ear while admiring her beauty. I was determined to fulfill the opportunity of making this girl my beautiful bride.

"You're here early." I heard Jimin utter from the doorway as he stepped into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. He slipped his shirt on over his head while walking toward his other clothes to fully dress himself.

"I wanted her home quick." I replied to the younger male why I held my utmost attention toward (Y/N). I wasn't bothered by Jimin in the slightest, because I knew that he understood the rules as much as I, or the next brother did.

You get the time.

Then she's mine.

It's the rules that were established when our fathers bestowed us with the gift of such a beautiful woman in exchange we promise to protect her. We were allowed our time with her, but unless forced out of it or something comes up we should not be interrupted until the next day. And now it was my time.

"You can leave now, Namjoon wants you back swiftly. Oh and make sure that you go to the interview room. You've got a captive customer waiting for you."

Jimin mumbled a 'thanks' that I believed was insincere before walking out of the room. I listened to his creaking footsteps leave the house and the roaring of an engine coming to life.

"Sweet heart?" I whispered to her sweetly while my thumb affectionately ran across her temple to try and stir her awake. Everything about her was my ideal type and I would be lying if I said I didn't like her. Not just for her body, but for everything about her. It infuriated me that Kon was foolish enough to endanger someone as precious as her.

The unfortunate part- was that the death of both Kon and Soomi were not meant to happen..

"Come on, wake up (Y/N) so I don't feel tempted to crawl in beside you." I told her in a soft voice in an attempt to coax her into consciousness. Her eyelids lazily opened to half-lids before she scrunched up her face and stretched her arms out above her head while she smacked her lips.

"Where's Jimin..?" She asked while rubbing her eyes.

'He doesn't matter,' I thought to myself, but contained my annoyance and flashed her a warm and inviting grin.

"Oh don't worry about him baby, he went back to the house. Just like we are right now, so let's get you dressed and we can be on our way." I took off my bag and handed her a fresh pair of underwear and a bra as well as a hoodie and a pair of track pants. She didn't need to wear expensive clothes to look stunning.

She openly dressed herself in front of me, not even taking my temptations into consideration as she slipped into the clothes. I was determined to show (Y/N) how much I cared for her, and I was even more determined to make her mine.

"Alright then," I said once she was dressed and stretched my hand toward her to take with a cheeky wink, "let's go home."

(Y/N) smiled to me gently as she grasped my hand and hauled herself out of bed. Within my own, her hand seemed so soft and so fragile. I was afraid I would hurt her with how big my hand looked compared to hers.

I led her out toward the car and helped her up into the high resting vehicle before I shut the door. When I hopped into the drivers side I took in a sharp breath before reversing out and starting to drive back toward the house.

"Hey Jin?" (Y/N) chimed up from the passenger seat. I looked to her from the corner of my eye before acknowledging her with a smile.


"I....." She paused before chuckling quietly to herself and looking up to me with shining eyes of purity,
"I really missed you...Jin."

A smirk started rolling to the edges of my lips before I winked at the stunning woman.

"I missed you as well Sweet heart."

((So just some really quick things I thought I would bring up cause it's humours to me 😂

- everyone is commenting about the boys kinks (and yes each of them will have a different one) most of them have been accurate, but so far I haven't seen anyone outline what Jin's or Jungkook's is. Maybe I'm just a bad writer? 😂

- also, Jin says that he was the first to have (Y/N) all to himself. But if you all think back to the first few chapters- you'll realise that he actually wasn't the first member to have
(Y/N) 😂

- do you guys know what Kon's treasure was now? 😩💕

- and cheesus Christ you guys come up with some pretty sick theories about the story line. If you have one comment it! I'd love to hear about it!! ❤️

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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