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As the door opened and light shrouded into the room. My eyes could only see the siloette of the person who stood in front of me. Immediately I let out a muffled scream and waited for my eyes to adjust.

When they did finally adjust, my eyes widened as I finally saw the person I had longed for the most. The one who I was missing more than ever before..

And the one that I loved, was now finally here for me at last..


Wanting to run to his embrace was an understatement, I wanted to leap into his arms and remain there for the rest of my existence. I looked to him with a weak gaze, tears lining my vision as I felt the familiarality feeling from his touch against my cheek.

"Baby Girl." He whispered in a low voice as he pulled the gag out of my mouth, granting me access to hinge my jaw once more. He swiftly moved to my restraints and started to untie them. I watched as he pulled the ropes away and freed me from the attachments before his figure stiffened and he slowly looked over his shoulder.

The cocking of a pistol alerted us both that Jae-joon was armed, and ready to irraticate the problem in his eyes by whatever means necessary. His figure stood tall over the both of his, his shadow looming over in an intimidating way, making him look bigger than he really was.

"You cannot take her, she is my prize now. Just as she was my fathers," as Jae-joon took cautious steps towards us both, Namjoon slowly reached into the pocket of his jacket and reached inside of it while he tried his best not to draw attention to his actions.

"She isn't an object of your keeping." Namjoon sneered, slowly stopping his movements as he found the item he was looking for, "it looks like both you and your father don't grasp that concept."

"We don't need to grasp anything when she does it for us," Jae-joon smirked in a sick manner after his statement, causing Namjoon's eyes to flicker in anger as it began to build up underneath his skin, "that was the same for your mother, wasn't it Na-"

Before Jae-joon could finish his sentence, Namjoon spun around on his back heel and raised his hand out of the jacket to produce a blade that sliced over Jae-joon's throat, cutting the skin with a thin line, blood quickly followed out from the wound after the attack, and Jae-joon gave a small cough before raising the pistol and firing it without bothering to aim it at anything in particular.

The bullet traveled past Namjoon's shoulder, narrowly missing the chance of embedding itself in his skin as it tore apart the first layer of skin with it's fast speed. Namjoon quickly clutched the would with his hand, allowing no time for it to slow him down as he quickly stood up and stood his ground in front of me.

Jae-joon swayed as he grasped his throat, the cut that Namjoon had caused must've struck something important because Jae-joon started to turn pale in the face. Namjoon kicked him down to the floor with his leg and knelt down near the gasping man and shook his head in pity.

"It's amazing how strong you are when you have your men around, isn't it?" Namjoon questioned, scanning the expression of Jae-joon as he struggled to listen to what was the last few words he would ever hear, "but when you are alone. You are vulnerable. Even with a plan you are a pitiful excuse of a leader when you're by yourself. This is why you are going to die tonight."

Namjoon places the tip of the blade back into the throat wound and pressed down harshly, allowing the blade to slip through and open the wound entirely, "so goodnight." Namjoon whispered, leaving the planted blade in Jae-joon's throat standing up right and kicking the pistol away from Jae-joon's grasp so it was out of his reach as he died slowly.

When Namjoon turner back to me, he grasped his shoulder as blood continued to leak from the wound reguardless of how much pressure Namjoon applied around it.

"Here," I whispered in a weak voice, taking off my shirt and standing up off of the ground in my tank top and ripping the shirt down the middle to create a makeshift bandage to try and stop the blood flow to the wound.

I was careful in how I wrapped the wound, but even with a careful touch and a gentle nature, it was hard for someone to resist the pain.

"Ouch." Namjoon said in a horse voice as I tied a knot with the fabric of my shirt. I watched as it began to soak up a bit of the blood, stopping the flow to slow down to a manageable level. I then turned to Namjoon and gave him a soft smile,

"I was wondering when you'd be here." I told him with a cheeky expression while Namjoon shook his head gently and stepped toward me with a confident look in his eyes despite the throbbing wound on his upper arm.

"Even if it took a longer time," Namjoon began as he gently cupped my cheek with a soft grasp. His forehead gently pressing against my own as he breathed a gentle sigh of relief, "I would always come back for you."

I hummed quietly and felt Namjoon's lips connect with my own, our lips connecting as the perfect puzzle pieces as we shared the gentle moment with one another. When he removed his lips, he rested an arm over my shoulder and smiled to me, a glint in his gaze as he led me towards the door and out into the hallway.

"I would carry you out, but my arm hurts like a bitch." Namjoon admitted, a chuckle escaping from the back of his throat as he thought about his humourous statement. I shook my head and wrapped my arm around his back with my other holding his torso as we walked out of the building, "i'll carry you this time." I whispered to him as we approached the anxiously waiting group who were leaning against the cars.

"(Y/N)! Namjoon!" They chimed with wide eyes, smiles forming across their faces as they were relieved to see us alive. Jungkook looked up from Taehyung's shoulder, where his head was resting comfortably as they sat on the bonnet.

"You guys are alright," He whispered while a small grin pleasently displayed itself over his lips. Jimin jumped up and grinned.

"Of course they are! Our leader is a strong man, an impenetrable man, an indestructible-"

"Is that a wound?" Yoongi asked, cutting off Jimin from his boasting session and attracting his attention to the leaders wound.

"Maybe a not-so-impenetrable man." Jimin corrected himself while Namjoon laughed as he was glad to see everyone was alright.

"Let's worry about it later, for now." He paused and looked down to me with shining eyes, gently grasping my shoulder to make sure I was there and it wasn't just his imagination.

"Let's go home."


Our Prize [BTS x Reader] Mafia AU!Where stories live. Discover now