Chapter 29 - Hoseok

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- Hoseok's POV -

"What? So what are we supposed to do? Just let them come in here?" Jungkook asked frantically, fumbling with his hands in is lap while his eyes were anxiously fixed to the table.

Namjoon sighed and rested his head against his hand while his elbow proped him up. I could understand how stressed he would be, it was only just before that Taehyung brought back word that an attack may be imminent after he went and shouted out the house.

"Jungkook calm down," Namjoon began before he shifted in his seat, "we can't necessarily leave the house and put risk to (Y/N) and we can't leave one of our own here to watch her. We need all the brothers together if we are to fight. The only way we can possibly work together and keep (Y/N) safe is by staying at the house."

"It does have its own risks however," I said as I ran my finger against the table in soft circle patterns, "it's the fact that (Y/N) chooses who she wants. So one of us will have to be beside her anyhow."

An exchange of nervous glances is exchanged between the three of us before Namjoon cleared his throat and sat forward with a frown upon his lips He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"This is not a competition anymore, is it?" Jungkook asked quietly, "this is..about how much we love her?"

It unsettled me that Jungkook was the one to say it, no matter how true it was. I didn't like the fact that (Y/N) might not have fallen in love with me. I want her to know how much I cared for her, I want to provide for her. I want to be there for her. How much love I could give to a girl like her.

"Look for now it's down to the last crucial moments. This isn't a competition anymore no, you are not to have bad blood between one another. Now is the time that we fight for each other. It all comes down to this.."

I watched as our leader trailed off, shaking my head with a small smile making its way to my lips while I chuckled humourously.

"You speak as if we are to die Namjoon. Have more faith in your brothers huh? We are big boys you know," I stood up from my seat and rubbed my neck, "anyways, how long till they are meant to be here?"

Jungkook's eyes rested to Namjoon while he swallowed hard with anxiousness.

Namjoon stood up, making his way to the door and closing his eyes as he grasped the handle.

"Five days."

                               -     -      -      -  

- (Y/N)'s POV -

"Hoseok?" I asked when the male stepped into my room, something obviously wrong had stricken his face with worry, "is everything alright?"

The moment he saw my worry his expression changed into a much softer one as he made his way toward my bed.

"Just a bit stressed, Sunshine." He told me while sitting on the edge and looking down at me thoughtfully. I could tell that there was something indeed bothering him, but I came to the conclusion that Hoseok was a man that would rather everyone else be happy then people know something was troubling him.

I lifted up my bed covers and invited him into the warmth and safety that sat between the covers and the mattress. Instantly, Hoseok rolled in beside me while sighing. I dropped the covers over us and laid on my side as I watched him curiously while he too laid on his side, his eyelids gently resting shut.

"What's wrong Hobi?" I whispered to him gently, causing his eyelids to flutter open and gently fix onto my own as he let out a silent breath of exhaustion.

"I don't want to have to cloud my Sunshine with problems that she doesn't need. It's just Hobi stuff," he told me as he scooted closer and gently proped me up into his chest while his arms held me carefully  in place, "thank you for worrying though."

I let out a soft hum before speaking,

"I don't mind. I like knowing that you're alright." I told him as I snuggled into his chest.

We sat through a comfortable silence while we listened to each other's steady breathing. It was like we were trying to remind one another that it wasn't a dream, that the both of us were actually holding one another close.

"I'm just.." Hoseok began, breaking the silence that had been held for a long while, "worried about you. I don't want you to be hurt. The last think I want is to have something bad happen to you. Cause you mean the world to me Sunshine, and my world would be very dark without you."

Hearing his words made my heart slightly flutter within my chest. I felt all my muscles loosen as I melted into Hoseok's body, and my eyes closed in peace.

"You don't have to worry for me Hobi. I have all of you here with me, all of you do so much for me and I know I can never repay any of you for what you've done. I know that as long as you are all around me, or if I have at least one of you, I know I'll be safe.."

Hoseok rested his chin to the top of my head and hummed softly in response while rubbing soft circles between my shoulder blades.

" least one of us." He repeated.

((God, Hoseok is one of the most loveable people in the whole wide world. I bloody love him I tell you. L O V E H I M.

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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