Chapter 9 - Namjoon

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I stood up abruptly at the realisation. "You-You-" I couldn't find the words to fit my shock. Instead I channeled my anger into throwing a cushion at him and grasping at my hair.

"You had sex with me!?" I whisper shouted at him, a certain sense of confusion filling me slowly. Tae held his hands up in defence and began to speak, "hey! I saved you, you would've been raped by several men at once if I hadn't have done what I did and then we saved you a few days after!"

I couldn't be too mad at him, but I was also more pissed off than I had ever felt before. And that started to make me feel dizzy. I gently held a hand to my forehead as I gently swayed, "tae.." I mumbled before falling to my knees as everything went black.

When I woke up next, I found myself staring at a marble ceiling. I was laying against the cold hard floor and I sighed and propped myself up on my elbows as I looked around. It was the marbel room that I had seen Namjoon and Jin in yesterday when I was brought here by Tae. I didn't want to be in this room, something about it made me feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was because the marble was polished so finely that I could see my own reflection in it, or maybe because everything in the room except for Namjoon's 'throne' was made of marbel. It was dedication if that was enough to say about it.

"You should lay down.." A deep voice spoke from behind me, sending shivers down my neck as I was pulled back by a pair of firm hands. His arms wrapped around my torso and held me gently prop myself up instead of sitting up so quickly.

"You went down very quick. I was worried that my little trophy got dented." Namjoon said smugly.

I looked up slowly to see Namjoon's eyes looking back down at me.

"Please don't refer to me like that..." I went to sit up off him, but he held me firmly in my place while chuckling. "(Y/N) I have to nurse you to health now. Dear me, you always cause some sort of trouble don't you?" His question sounded rhetorical, but I couldn't help but feel something deep in my heart that told me it had more meaning to it.

"Please, tell me why you cannot let me go." I pleaded to him as I placed my hands against my chest while staring at my knees. I felt Namjoon's arm tense underneath mine as his legs held the rest of my body up.

"It's obvious isn't it? You're the trophy- our prize. However (Y/N) I am a rather greedy man. So for me to share you with 6 other men will be torture for me." He reaches over and grabbed a washcloth from a bowl of cold water. Namjoon tightly grasped it with one hand, draining it of the liquid.

I starred at the rippling surface of the water as the droplets fell into it. I felt as he pressed the cloth against my forehead and sigh as if that took all of his energy away.

"You are a very delicate one aren't you-"

I grasped his wrist firmly. My heart now filled with pure rage. I was not delicate. I had been through so much that this man wouldn't even believe it. I stared so deeply into his eyes that I could see his surprise at my actions.

"Be careful of the other boys," he began as he used his free hand to pry my hand off of his wrist, "They aren't as patient as me (Y/N). We are all brothers in this world, so we will stay by one another no matter what. But there are a lot of things that make us different from one another. Like me for example," he placed the cloth back in the bowl and continued to place it against my forehead as if my outburst didn't happen.

"I am a natural leader. It was how I was born. I was born to make decisions for others to follow. Just like how Yoongi is different compared to the rest of us, He is the smartest man you'll ever meet however he is a reckless person who won't stop to think about consequences."

"All of your differences is what makes you such a good group." I said, Namjoon replying instantly to correct me, "it's what makes us such good family. Tae is someone who isn't afraid to put his life on the line to protect them. Jin and Jimin think alike sometimes, but that doesn't make them the same in any way if that makes sense."

Namjoon paused and put the cloth back in the bowl, "Jin is someone who is sneaky. He can easily plant a drug in anything or anywhere and Jimin is the man who can get an answer anyway he needs. Hoseok is so resourceful that it is sometimes surprising to me. But then it comes to Jungkook,"

"The Golden Maknae!" I stated with a grin that was quickly removed once I saw Namjoon's hardened expression.

"I would say he is the most dangerous out of us all. Jungkook is the assasin of our gang. With any weapon you give him he could clear a room instantly. Even with such skill- everything is hard to remember.." As he trailed off I raised an eyebrow in thought about what he meant.

'What is so hard to remember?' I thought to myself quietly. Namjoon cleared his throat and stood up and walked towards his seat.

"All of us are dangerous in our own way," he said as he took his seat and crossed his legs. He leant back and rolled his neck around before looking down at me once more, "but together no one leaves alive." His words silthered down my spine and sent a spike of fear through my heart as I looked up to him as I knelt in the marbel floor.

'Is that his way of saying I would never leave alive?..' I thought to myself.

((What does Namjoon know about (Y/N)?
And why is everyone avoiding talking about Jungkook? Hmmmmmmmmm

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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