Chapter 12

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"Hey dad? Can you help me with this entrance exam question to university? I promise it's only this one I need help with." I chuckled as I approached my father with my exam in hand. He placed down the paper and looked at me through the lenses of his glasses with a grin.

"As long as your mother doesn't find out, come on!" I handed him the paper and he took it while reading it over.

My father was a gentle man, and he was very carefree with me. Most parents would force their children into a career, but both my parents told me they would be supportive no matter what I do. Father scratched his head and cleared his throat. "You might want to google that one darling.."

I had to stop myself from laughing. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as I held the paper to my chest. "If you cannot answer it father, then I have no hope of ever gradu-" before I finished my sentence, a soul rattling scream was heard by my mother.

The sound of plates smashing from the kitchen filled my ears as heavy footsteps began pouring through the house. Men stepped into the room, holding weapons that spiked fear into my heart upon seeing them.

My father stood and stood firmly. He held his ground as a much larger man entered the room, he looked much more important than the rest but wore the same face masks as them.

"Kon, my old friend." The man huskily said from within the mask as he addressed my father by his first name. "I'm so glad you're here." My fathers fist clenched and he glared at the tall man with no fear in his expression. "What do you want Yong-Jun? There is nothing here for you."

I could tell that even with the mask, the man had a smirk upon his face as he clicked his fingers. To his side my frightened mother was brought to her knees. The man named Yong-Jun pulled a hand pistol and placed it against the back of my mothers head as she shuddered in fear underneath the gun point. It was then a surge of adrenaline rushed through me. "Mother!" I shouted as I ran to her, attempting to hit the gun away from the back of her head.

Yong-Jun whistled and one of the masked men grabbed me, pulling me back and holding me forcefully by the back of my arms.

"Fiesty daughter as well Kon. I might just keep her as a little toy~" my father shook his head, "there won't be a need for that. Just tell me what you are looking for and I will give it to you." Yong-Jun pulled back slowly from the back of my mother's head. "You know what I want."

That's when my father snapped, "I told you it is not here!" Everything was silent for a moment before Yong-Jun sighed and raised the gun to my mothers head. "Then perhaps some persuasion is in order." I remember myself screaming at that moment as I watched him pull the trigger down and a loud bang rung in my ears as my mother fell lifelessly to the floor, her crimson blood splattering across the carpet.

There was a flicker in my father's expression for a moment before he balled his fists. "Yong-Jun, I do not have it. If I did I wouldn't be in this house. I would be living as a king." Yong-Jun tutted as he waved his index finger. "Wrong answer Kon." He said as he pointed the gun toward me, hesitating for a moment before turning the gun to my father and loading it once more as the barrel spun around.

"Goodnight Kon."

I tried to intervien with an ear piercing scream of terror as my father dropped to his knees with a fresh hole in between his eyes as blood splattered over me. Yong-Jun knelt down beside me and lifted my head up with the point of his gun as tears heavily trailed down my face while I looked into his merciless eyes.

"You my dear, are something that isn't worth killing. So please if you will, don't be dificult and stand up." I felt the grasp of the man that held me grow tighter as he tried to force me up, that is when I pounced. I spun around using my body weight and delivered a kick to his temple that knocked him out easily. But having your arms tied behind your back instantly leaves you with a blind spot. Before I could turn around, Yong-Jun used the hilt of his pistol to knock me out.

As I crumpled in a heap to the floor, Yong-Jun snickered. "Like I said, she was fiesty. Now search the house until you find it otherwise you'll be joining the other two." He threatened as he gestured to my now two lifeless parents. The men scrambled in fear as they began to turn the house upside down, while I laid in a blacked out state unaware of how quickly my life was about to turn into hell.

- Present -

Now I was alone in the Glass Room as I sat up in the corner unable to sleep while the reminders of my parents peril replayed in my mind. I wasn't afraid to cry in this vulnerable moment and hug myself tightly in a ball to escape the reflections that copied my actions. If anything would break me, it would be the exposure of my past. For it was the first time I had cried since my parents were forcefully taken from my life.

For today was the day that I would remember what I tried so hard to forget after all these vicious years.

((A little back story chapter for everyone, I hope you all enjoyed it!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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