Chapter 17 - Namjoon

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"Come on sunshine let's wake up now." I heard a voice say, I found myself swaying while I tried to wake up. When my eyes opened, I was being carried by Namjoon down the hallway.

"W-Where are we going?" I shakily asked and looked down the hall to see a door wide open.

"A little adventure if you will." He answered, making me worried about what sort of context it could be put into. Namjoon placed me down when he walked through the door, allowing me to look around my surroundings. There was nothing, no furniture, no desk just a wide window and painted soft grey walls. "What is this place?" I asked Namjoon and he turned to me with a grin.

"I'm so glad you asked, it was brought to my attention that you don't like the Glass room as much as we thought you would, so now your have your own room." He explained with a proud grin.

I slowly nodded, unsure of the whole situation. Namjoon sighed and gently patted the top of my head with a smile, showing off his stunning dimples. "The furniture will be in the room by tomorrow so you can have a proper sleeping arrangement."

I looked up to the tall man and realised how short I was compared to him. But then I remembered I was pretty short compared to he rest of them anyways.

"Namjoon, can you tell me a bit about your group? Who are you people? What do you plan to do with me?"

It had come to the point where I felt compelled for answers at whatever cost it was going to take. So I asked without a hint of fear in my voice.

Namjoon looked delighted with the question and gave me a curious glance. "You wish to know about BTS?" He asked and I arched an eyebrow for a moment before I questioned the name, "BTS?"

"Our group name stands for Behind The Scenes, which is exactly what we do. We make things better for people's lives by moving through the parts that harm them. If that makes sense to you?" He asked after his brief explanation.

I blinked aimlessly before nodding slowly, "Yes I think I have a small understanding."

Namjoon sighed and sat himself down on the carpet floor before looking back up at me and gesturing for me to sit with him, "Well we aren't just bad guys if you're thinking that's what we are like. Trust me when I tell you we don't do things without a proper reason."

I watched him and I sat down with a sigh while rubbing my arm, "I don't know. It's a bit hard to believe a lot of things that I'm hearing these days. I don't know who to trust anymore..."

There was a queer silence between the both of us before Namjoon spoke to me once more.

"You feel torn? Torn between what your heart is saying," he gestured to his chest, "and what your head is shouting," he finished and gestured to his left temple by tapping it with his fore finger.

"Well that I cannot blame you for. Obviously we have made things rather..interesting for you I'm sure. And yes, it isn't fair I do realise that. But what you must realise is that- with the way things are, you cannot be more safe with any of us...."

Namjoon tilted his head toward me waiting for me to speak, but I simply remained silent and stared at the floor as if I were suddenly interested in it.

"Jungkook-ah is taking a liking to you I've noticed. You're even making Jin-hyung nervous and he is the eldest! Stop being so intimidating (Y/N)!" Namjoon joked in an obvious but heart-ful attempt to make me laugh.

"I have a question about your leadership, if you aren't the oldest then why are you leader?" I asked him, looking up into his dark eyes that started to lightly sparkle with anticipation.

"Good question. The answer to that is that...we do not go by age. In our world it goes by our families. Jin-hyung may be the oldest but his family have been in the drug cartel dating back to the very beginning. And that goes for the rest of us, each of us are who we are because of the roles our families have chosen. We do not disobey it- we treat it like a law."

Namjoon's tone kept me on edge. It sounded as if he were prepared to leap at me if I didn't agree with him which didn't make me feel like I was in the most safest of places.

'A law...' I echoed in my mind and cleared my throat before asking another question.

"So for Tae....his family were always field workers? And Jimin's were always interrogators?" I must've hit the hammer on the nail head, because Namjoon agreed with me straight away with an impressed smile on his face which showed off his dimples shamelessly.

"You are a very perceptive woman (Y/N) and that also makes you a dangerous one." Namjoon chuckled before standing and dusting himself off although there wasn't a speck of anything on him.

"But I will also let you know that we aren't as dim-witted as we might seem at times. Trust me when I tell you that we find out anything we have to," he shot me a small glance, "and we can change anything we need to."

I wasn't sure what he was getting at, but I understood that it was indeed a small threat and it was a threat that I wasn't prepared to break.

Suddenly, a very loud beeping sounded through the room, and Namjoon's eyes slightly widened as he sprung to his feet.

"(Y/N), stay here. I beg of you to stay here please...." His voice dripped with desperateness, and my eyes were beginning to water from the anxiety of the whole situation.

I pushed myself to the corner and curled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them. Namjoon walked over to me and crouched down as he gently cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead before walking towards the door.

"I'll send Jimin to keep an eye on you." And with that, he left me in an empty room.

((Namjoon is a very tough man....
Pfft he is softer than pillows

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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