Chapter 21 - Hoseok

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"(Y/N), we need to move. Please wake up."

My eyes opened against their will and I was greeted with Hobi's glowing face. I propped myself up in bed with my elbows and remembered that I had finally moved into my own room.

I looked to Hobi and saw 2 pistols strapped to his chest, his left hand sitting edgily on one of them. I immediately sat up and raised my eyebrows in shock and watched as the tall man began to laugh at my expression.

"Don't worry (Y/N)- I'm just being prepared. Now quickly we have to go." Hobi grasped my hand and pulled me from within the comfort of my bed. I hesitantly went with him. As he walked through the halls he was looking around with the sense of edgy-ness I had seen just before.

A sound- a sound that a mouse could make by nibbling on a crumb- triggered  Hobi to take one of the pistols from their carrier and pull back the trigger in one fluid and pristine movement. The loud gunshot rang deep within my ears and caused me to recoil away from the noise in fear.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" I shouted out in fear for whoever was now looking down the barrel of the destructive weapon.

"God damn it, Hobi-Hyung is doing target practice again!" I heard Taehyung shout from a distance, the echoing response of Jimin soon filled the room afterwards, "everyone who loves life stay in their rooms!"

"And if you don't love life!?" Yoongi shouted back, earning no response from any of the members.

I found myself smiling as I realised that Hobi was shooting pillows he had propped up to shoot at. The sound was caused when the pillow-stick fell over ever so elegantly.

"I've got to practice some how-" Hobi mumbled with an expressionless cold stare as he watched smoke rise from the opening in the pillow. From within the pillow multiple objects were there to stop the bullet from passing all the way through.

As I noticed Hobi's hard stare he quickly snapped out of it and sent me an encouraging smile before he kept walking through. "Today isn't the most easiest days for me (Y/N), Namjoon has given me a very important job and it is my turn to watch you so I'm afraid you'll have to come with me. You don't have to worry...but it might be a little bit confronting for you."

Hobi stopped at one of the doors and punched a code into the pin pad, and with a flash of green light it unlocks he stepped in, looking over his shoulder and luering me in with an inviting glance.

As I stepped, in the door slammed shut behind me and I was suddenly surrounded by darkness.

"Ah- lights." Hobi chuckled nervously and hit a wall switch. When the lights flickered on I was confronted with a stock pile of weapons sticking out of laege wooden crates, the walls of this room had compartments within them, and they also had some pegs sticking out of the exterior which I assumed was for hanging things up.

But what would they be hanging up?

"Namjoon was given a shipment of weapons for your protection from some..close friends," Hobi explained and gently hit his fist against one of the wooden crates, "our job is to unload them carefully and put them in their places. So let's start, if you want to stop at anytime please say so. I would hate for you to feel anymore uncomfortable than you already are."

'Yeah, says the man who washed my hair for me while I was in the bath!' I thought to myself but pushed the thought to the back of my mind as I approached one of the crates. Hobi was only trying to be nice, he wasn't like the others. He was a really caring man...

"Ok so the AK-47's go over in the corner there if you want to start on that? And I'll start on the glocks." He proposed and I nodded as I lifted up the first automatic rifle.

One thing I can tell you, is that guns are not a light weapon at all- especially this gun. I placed it as gently as I could into its place and sighed as I turned to the create full of these guns.

"Hobi, why wouldn't you invest in lighter weapons?" I asked him, and the glowing man turned to face me as he held an armful of pistols.

"Elaborate?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at my question.

I took a deep breath, "like if you were to get into a standoff with someone or a group of people. Wouldn't the smart thing to do be to invest in light weapons so the carrier is able to move much faster and their reflexes wouldn't be affected by the weapon?"

I didn't know what this question was going to do for me but I felt the urge to ask it out of pure concern for the boys. If they were going to fight with these weapons one of them would surely get hurt.

Hobi chuckled at me and shook his head as he packed the pistols into their place and he turned his head to meet my eyes, "(Y/N) it sounds as if you underestimate us! Honestly I'm a little hurt that thought we weren't strong enough to use these weapons!"

I looked to the floor in shame and spoke, "I didn't mean to offend you Hobi. I'm so sorry." I swiftly bowed my head to the older man and spun back to face the wooden creates. As I placed my hand against  the hard wood, I felt a sharp pain strike my palm.

With a yelp a lifted it up and liked to see a rather large splinter had pierced through my skin and decided to stay there. Hobi was immediately beside my side as his face worryingly radiated with worry.

"(Y/N)-ah! You hurt yourself! You just be more careful! Step over here there is a first aid kit." Grasping my pain free hand Hobi led me over to the door and opened a metal compartment and retrieved the first aid kit.

Pulling a stool to his side he sat down and encouraged me to take a seat on his thigh. I hesitated at first but then the pain striked through to my fingertips so I willingly sat there and Hobi set to work. I watched as his nimble fingers worked to remove the splinter in the most pain-free way possible.

Once he removed it he quickly retrieved a tube of aniseptic and unscrewed the cap.

With a cautious glance to me he smiled and said, "this will only hurt a little." With that dose of encouragement I screwed up my face as I felt the sting of the helpful paste.

"T-Thanks Hobi..." I grunted as he gently placed a bandaid down and wrapped it.

With a proud voice he said, "that's what a Hobi does!"

((God damn I love this man so much. He is so caring and I just- UGH.
Also sorry for the late update- I've been doing exams and assignments and all the fun schooling stuff! Bare with me and I'll be able to do regular updates soon! ❤️

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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