Chapter 34 - Jimin

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((Part of the story will be what the boys are preparing, and what is happening with (Y/N) at the same time!

Sorry if things get confusing! But I'll point out when the POV's switch over! ❤️ ))

- read with caution -

- (Y/N)'s POV -

It was cold and quiet. I was terrified of what to expect. Over the past few weeks I was finally comfortable with the people who had saved me. I wanted to go home.

That's right. Home.

Those boys created a home for me. From where we began with the collar and lead, there was a relationship that formed between all of us individually.

My heart thumped numbly within my chest as I opened my eyes to the dark room, being totally blind to my surroundings. I felt the rope burn against my skin as I struggled, obviously the rope had been tightly bound to my wrist. A cloth was tied around my face and parted my mouth as it sat to act as a gag. My jaw began to throb through the aching pain.

"My father was right."

I quickly flipped over onto my back in fright as I attempted to reach a wall, something to give me a chance to prop myself up. The voice was dry and deep, and came from a place in the room where I couldn't identify. Unable to speak because of the tight gag, I was forced to listen to my captures words.

"And now you are mine. The prize is finally mine."

My breath hitched in the back of my throat as I listened to the ruffling of clothing as the stranger stood from their position and approached me, somehow able to navigate around in the pitch black room.

I felt his hand touch my collar bone before tracing my neck up to my jawline. A deep chuckle whimsied out of his throat before he let out a deep sigh, his breath hitting my face and making me cringe.

"You're mine."


I watched over Yoongi's shoulder as he flipped through his photo album. The one with all of our childhood pictures in it, and the Morse code messages written upon the polaroids.

'A bond of brothers.' Written in Morse code upon a picture of us all as young teenagers, just before we took on our father's work and made a reputation of our own. It reminded me how quickly time had passed when we had been together. That was almost 7 years ago, and it felt like it was not long ago when we started.

"I miss it..." I heard Yoongi whimper. I was taken back for a moment as I wasn't used to seeing an emotional Yoongi. He was the one person in the group who could always keep a leveled head, but since (Y/N) was taken he had never been the monotonal man we were used to.

"Me too Yoongs." I comforted the male, patting his back with a caring manner of touch. The man turned to me with slick eyes, tears rimming the brim of his eyelids as he stood from his bed and shoved the photo album into his desk draw before slamming it at a ferocity that made even me shudder.

"Why do things have to change? I was happy, she was happy. She smiled so much whenever I saw her. She smiled with everyone in this house. Why did they take her? Why can't they let me be happy-"

"This isn't about (Y/N)," I paused as I watched the man shudder and his back arch in shock as the words left my lips, "is it Yoongi?"

Yoongi turned to me with his palms firmly pressed together before he looked up to the ceiling and released a deep sigh which caused his chest to heave.

"I miss my mother. I will never forgive Yong-Jun for what he did all those years ago, even if he is dead. I remember that those were the years that I was happy. I was so young and naive that I just believed that everything was going to stay the same. But then they killed her, just like they did with Kon and Soomi. They were like my own parents..."

I remember the friendly nature that (Y/N)'s parents always held around themselves. They were the kind of people that would help anyone in need, even a complete stranger. Yoongi was just one of us who were lucky enough to meet such a beautiful pair of people. They helped Yoongi through the grieving of his mother, kept him from going into the dark place that he wanted to dive deep into.

"No offence Yoongi, but you are making this about you," I snapped, causing the older males attention to instantly turn cold towards me, "you are acting as if you are the only one who has been affected by this. Please do not act like you are the only one who is hurt and worried. Because I can tell you this, we are all terrified. I'm sure you didn't need a younger to tell you that much."

Yoongi rolled his tongue across the inside of his cheek before smirking and grasping me by the collar of my shirt and giving me a small shake.

"I'm hurting. You know what happens when I'm hurting." He reminded me with a cold hard stare despite the smirk on his lips.

"Then put your energy into getting (Y/N) back, do not take it out on yourself or the others around you." I instructed him, attempting my very best to pull him back into the state of mind that I was usually accustomed to, the Yoongi that we were all used to.

"When you two are finished," Taehyung croaked from the doorway, his eye still painted with the bruising that had occurred during his fight with
Jae-Joon while his lip was freshly stitched up, "get downstairs now, Namjoon wants to go over the plan."

"Are you sure you're in the condition to even go?" Yoongi sneered as he judged the wounded male, a sneer could be seen present in his burning gaze.

"I'll do anything for her-"

"You only want her cause she gave you head. You're selfish like that-"

"WHOA!" I shouted and stepped between the males, still being the shortest out of both of them, and shooting the both of them looks of pure disgust.

"The both of you are acting like a pair of children. I know that you two haven't always been close with one another since the 'incident' with (Y/N). But you need to put your differences aside so we can get her back in one piece without anyone else getting injured in the process!"

"It's time for us to go back to being a team, and if you can't do that then you can both stay here while the rest of us go and save her. Because we won't have the time for the two of you to fuck around with your dumb bickering."

And I left the room leaving both Taehyung and Yoongi with their jaws hung open before they scurried out of the bedroom in hot pursuit.

I cracked my knuckles in anticipation as I felt heat begin to radiate through my body as (Y/N)'s smile flashed into my mind for one brief moment.

'I'm coming for you Sweet Cheeks.'

((Jimin is an soft mochi who just wants everyone to get along, that's our boy 😭❤️

Hope you enjoyed!
Until next time!

BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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