Chapter 4

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"Am I in for some type of punishment..?" I asked quietly, in a small and insignificant voice as it echoed around the room. Beside Namjoon stood Jin with dark brown hair and a warm smile. I noticed that the both of them had the dragon tattoo on their necks, which must've simbolised their gang.

"Punishment? Oh dear no. That would be so cruel and heartless," Namjoon turned in his chair and swung his legs over the arm rest as he leant on the other, "If I didn't want you I would've gotten Jungkook to kill you."

Hopelessness filled me and I scratched the back of my head. "Right yeah..." I mumbled and held my arm, the one with the most bruises on it. Jin lightly gasped and placed a hand on his hip, the other holding my lead. "This girl isn't fed enough. What kind of world is this?" Jin dropped the lead and left the room mumbling, "pretty girls gotta be fed right...gotta feed the poor thing."

Namjoon palmed his face and sighed as he sat up and looked down at me. "Your presence has caused quiet the disturbance in my house. Although under the present circumstances I cannot blame it all on you.." Namjoon stood up and walked toward me, kneeling down he gently held my chin in his fingers as he studied me.

"You are undeniabley beautiful. I understand why everyone must be as flustered as they are. But for now.." He dropped my chin and grabbed my lead, "I'll have to put you in the accomodation that is accustomed to you at this point in time. Which is the Glass Room."

My eyes gently glanced up at him, uncomfortable and anxiously I stood up with him. "Glass Room?" I asked quietly, in quavering fear of his powerful aura. Namjoon cooly smiled and patted the top of my head. "No hard feeling though right?"

- Time Skip -

'No hard feelings eh?' I said as I looked around the room Namjoon had put me in. All there was were mirrors, I was aware of what kind of room this was. It was a torture room, one that was used to break the mind of its capture down in order for them to talk. There was a small pillow in one of the corners, the room was no bigger than your regular bedroom which wasn't fantastic in my case.

I felt claustrophobic, and pissed off. I would gladly tell them anything they wanted to know- if only I knew the answers. What do I have to lose now? Yong-Jun is dead so I am in no danger on his side. But still- I have no idea who these men are or what their intentions with me. I heard a knock, and on one of the mirror panels a door was opened.

In came Jin, proudly holding a plate of food as he shut the door behind him which I thought was a stupid motion. 'How will he get out?' I thought to myself and watched as he walked over to me with a glowing smile. "I think Namjoon is being a bit unfair with the whole Glass Room thing. It's not a great place to be in." Jin sat beside me and gave me the plate of food that he had prepared.

I began to eat after I thanked him for the food. Jin simply watched, as if to make sure I was eating it all. At one point I felt like I was being forced fed but this was the biggest meal I've had in a long while so I didn't complain.

"You'd tell us anything right?" Jin suddenly questioned me, and I looked up at him. My brain let out a sharp hit of aching pain and I quickly answered him "yes". I felt compelled to answer him...

"Well, you are truthful then?" Jin asked and I nodded to him, "I would tell you anything you needed to know." '

What the hell!?' I mentally shouted to myself. "Do you think I'm handsome?" Jin asked me, with a playful smirk. "Yes" I answered and felt like slapping myself at that point, I began to realise that something was very wrong.

I placed the empty plate down and Jin handed me a water bottle, "at least the drug worked then. I now know that whatever you tell us is the truth. Which is a relief on my behalf." As I sipped the water, the pain melted away and I was suddenly back in charge of my own mouth. "You drugged me!?" I shouted at him as I stood up in anger.

Jin just laughed, his laughter sounded like a pair of window wipers... "oh you're so feisty. Drugs are my thing, I know everything about them, what causes them and how to get rid of it's affects." As he stood up and tapped around on the windows, he stopped at a certain one and pressed it. As it popped open, and my jaw was hinged in surprise. Jin took the empty plate. "I'm not sure who will come and get you in the morning but in the mean time I suggest that you get as much sleep as you can."

Jin threw me a blanket, and I caught it nimbly in my arms as I watched him leave in a flash. He drugged me. I cannot believe he drugged me. They talk about how they want my trust but then pull stunts like this. Like I haven't already been through enough. I got down onto the mirrored floor and rested my head against the pillow while wrapping my body into the blanket.

Nightmares plagued my head as I tossed and turned the whole time, unaware of my future with this group of men.

((Jin is the mother, and is hella good at his job alright?

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || 👌🏻 (EDITED)

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