Chapter 22 - Jungkook

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My bed was very comfortable, more comfortable than I had ever imagined it was. Maybe I was so exhausted from my day with Hoseok or maybe I just was happy I wasn't sleeping on a mirror panel anymore. Either way I wasn't complaining. But the sound of the Young Maknae woke me up.

"'ve gotta wake up now." He didn't quiet state it, the way he said it almost made it sound like he was questioning if that is what he should've said. When my eyes fluttered open they laid upon the nervous posture of Jungkook as he sat on the edge of my bed looking to the other side of the room in an attempt to avoid eye contact.

"Jungkook..?" I asked and yawned as I sat up rubbing my eyes gently. I rested my head against my bedpost and sighed as I struggled to fully wake up. "What is the time..?"

"Nine've had a bit of a sleep in this morning." Jungkook chuckled, but his smile soon went away and he was back to looking anxious.

"I guess I have.." I responded, trying to not make the awkward state any more worse than it was. I was fairly certain Jungkook was nervous because of what happened last time I was with him. When he lost his certain sense of...control.

"Look," Jungkook began, "I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen. Because it did. I overpowered you and I'm sorry about that. But you don't understand my-" he paused and pursed his lips as he tried to figure out what to say next.

I remembered what Namjoon had told me about Jungkook. 'Everything is hard to remember..'

"Jungkook, what happens when you go out on jobs?" I asked him, amazed with my sudden confidence boost to openly ask the question.

Jungkook's eyes widened and he licked his lips in an attempt to calm himself down. "It's complicated. I don't think I should tell you-"

"What have you got to lose?" I interrupted.

Jungkook stared down at the ground and frowned with a hurtful expression. It wasn't that I had hurt his feelings, it was more like the expression was saying he felt like he was hurting himself more than he was helping himself.

"I..I don't wanna talk about this while facing you." He mumbled and I sighed as I laid back down in bed on my side and turned away from him.

"There.." I stated and tucked my hands underneath my cheek as I waited for Jungkook to begin talking.

"Can I lay beside you..?" Jungkook uttered a whisper, gently turning toward me and placing his hand gingerly onto the covers as he waited for me to respond.

I let out a quiet sigh because of the man. We were the same age, and yet he was asking questions as if he were a child. I simply nodded my head, knowing fully well that the male's eyes were on me.

I felt the bed shift behind me as Jungkook laid down. He let out a sigh before I listened to him start to speak.

"People have problems with anger and family. But my problem evolved from personality. It's a sort of disorder that I have, it only happens when the chemical release of adrenaline happens," He paused and cleared his throat, and I could hear the nervousness through his voice break,

"I...forget everything that happens after I begin the job. It becomes so hazy and I-I....don't know who I hurt." I heard the cracks of emotion through his voice, almost making me turn and embrace him straight away.

"It's a different personality- they call him Golden Maknae.....he is a bad man (Y/N)..." Jungkook shifted and wrapped his arms around my waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I felt his tears wet my skin as they fell from his eyes.

"He hurt Taehyungie....he cut him across the ribs. He could've killed him. I don't want to hurt anyone- I don't want him to hurt anyone-"

I turned to face the weeping man and held his face in my hands for a moment as I ran my thumbs under his puffy eyes to wipe his tears.

"Jungkook..." I whispered gently and held him to my chest as he began to cry harder, his arms tightening around my waist as if he were afraid I would disappear, "you aren't like the Golden Maknae alright? You are much stronger and loving than he is..."

"I'm scared I'm going to hurt you the most..." Jungkook's voice was muffled in my chest, but I heard clearly enough to know what he said. I felt my cheeks light up as I gently ran my hands through his soft hair to calm him down.

I didn't know that talking about this would've effected Jungkook so much. If I had known I would never have asked him to tell me.

"You won't hurt me...I'll try and help you-"

"No!" Jungkook shouted as he sat up, grasping one of my wrists as he looked deeply into my eyes with a spark of panic, "don't you dare go near him when he is around. He will hurt you- take advantage of you. He doesn't have any morals of what he does..please promise me you will not go near the Golden Maknae."

My eyes were wide with terror, I was so shocked that he was behaving like this. But I nodded my head go accept the promise. Jungkook's grasp loosened and he looked down with a drained and emotional groan.

"I don't want to see anyone else please listen to the Hyungs if they tell you to stay away from me- because..." Jungkook reached down and gently cupped my cheek with a soft but sad smile,

"Because i would never forgive myself if I hurt you. (Y/N)..."

((Ooooo character development. Y@ll this is gonna be like the 'Oppa' thing. He doesn't like being called the 'Golden Maknae' 🤧

Hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!
BubblyBangtan || ✌🏻(EDITED)

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