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I sunk into the hospital bed, not wanting to ever come out of the covers.

This was awful.

If only I knew what Blake had done that makes him deserve me killing him.

A knock on the door made me froze. I slowly sat up, my head still throbbing with every movement to see a doctor with a clip board and a nonchalant expression facing me.

"Tessa Wilson, you are now free to leave and go home now. Just make sure that you drink a lot of water and eat a hearty meal and you'll feel better in no time!"

I forced a smile on my face and reached down to put my shoes on as the doctor ticked the final boxes on my checklist.
Unexpectedly, he looked up, a frown on his face: "Just one thing, we've tried to contact your mum about you being here but she hasn't answered..."


"She must have been busy," I reassured him and myself. "She does normally answer calls so she definitely must have been busy."

The doctor nodded slowly, "So you are alright to go home by yourself then?"

I nodded sharply, wanting to leave as soon as possible, "Yes and I will contact you or the hospital if I need anything."

Seeming satisfied with that answer, he dismissed me.

I had to keep myself from running home.

I just want to see mum. Only then, everything will be alright.

On the way home, I wrote Blake a quick text that I was out of hospital because he was probably wondering how I was.

I'm out of hospital! Thank you for being so kind to me ♡

My finger hovered over the send button for a few seconds, unsure, but I shrugged it off.

Why am I feeling so unsure? It doesn't even matter whether I text him or not.

Suddenly sad, I remembered that in two weeks time, I would most likely be moving again - assigned to kill yet another criminal of some sort.

But Blake replied almost immediately, interrupting my thoughts:

Great. See you tomorrow xx

I sighed - how could I ever kill someone as genuine as him?

Without even realising, I had reached my house. I opened the door eagerly.

"Mum!" I called but there was no answer.


As I walked through the door of my house, I saw Aunt Sophie in the kitchen.


"Hey Olivia!"

I bit my lip.


"Where’s mum?" I asked fearing the answer that I knew Sophie was going to say. I just had to be sure.

"Didn't she tell you?"

I shook my head, all my hope gone.

"Her boss said that she had to leave to York straight away."

I replied a quiet, "Oh..." and without another word, I ran up the stairs, tears - the tears I had been holding in for days - running down my cheeks.

I didn't even say a proper goodbye​ to her. I curled up into a ball on my bed, feeling more alone than ever.


Poor Olivia :(

There's still more drama to come though 😬


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