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I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm, each persistent beep jarring my eardrums.

It was so typical.

Half of the time on weekdays, it didn't ring whereas on Saturday - the day I'd like, even the littlest of a lie in - it works perfectly.

The red digital display of the time: 7:00am projected bright and clear into my sleepy eyes. I groaned - I could already tell that it was going to be a very long day.


An hour and a half later, I finally got out of my bed, got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. In the kitchen, all of my family - my mum, dad, and younger brother and sister who are twins - were already eating.

"Hey, Blakey sweetheart," My mum called to me. "How was your sleep?"

"Not too bad," I replied. "I just wish I could have had a lie in."

My dad chuckled pushing his glasses up, "That silly alarm of yours rang didn't it?"

"Yep," I grinned back. "I think I might go to the mall later and buy a new one."

"That would be greatly appreciated," My younger, 9 year old, brother Toby quipped.

After I had eaten, I received a text message from Aria:

Hey! Do you wanna go to the mall with me later on?

Yeah - believe it or not I was actually planning to go!

Good, it gives me a chance to have a look for what I might buy you for your birthday next week xx

I pondered at that statement, I had totally forgotten about my birthday and more importantly, I had forgotten about inviting Tessa. I sent a message to her, hoping she'd say yes:

I'm having a birthday party next week Friday - do you want to come?

She replied an immediate 'Yes' and I smiled happily, feeling my whole face light up.

"What are you smiling about?" My sister Harper asked, laughing at how stupid I must have looked.

"Nothing," I shrugged her question off, as if it didn't mean anything.

But it did.

I regained a normal posture and tried to wipe the silly smile off my face.

I bet it didn't work.


Within moments of arriving at the shopping centre, I saw Aria on her phone with multiple shopping bags in her hands, near the entrance.

"Hey, what's in those bags?" I asked curiously.

Consciously, she put the bags behind her back, "Nothing!"

I put my hands up as a sign of surrender, "Okay, okay I won't ask again!"

Aria squinted her eyes at me, making the 'I'm watching you' gesture with her hands before saying, "Can we get some food? I'm starving!"

I looked at my watch.


"Definitely," I replied, but made a mental note to remember to get a new alarm clock afterwards - after all, that was why I was here.

Aria and I shared a large pizza in the food court, chatting about the most random things. We were eating contently, when suddenly her face turned serious and my smile fell.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

Please tell me, she's not going to ask to stop being friends with me.

Or move back to Spain.

Aria's my best best friend, nothing should change that—

Aria took a deep breath, "Can I tell you something? I've been wanting to say this for a long time and now I'm here with you alone—"

"Sure!" I replied hurriedly, wanting to get this over with.



"I-REALLY-LIKE-YOU!" She said, spewing the words out in a hurry.


She leaned dangerously closer and I didn't know what to say, "I've liked you for so long! I just hope you feel the same way..."

I still couldn't speak. It felt as if the whole world I knew was crumbling down into pieces. Aria is my friend. I've never thought of her as anything other than a friend.

This changes everything.

I didn't even notice her lean in and kiss me. I was frozen into her desperate kiss, unsure of what to do.

Then behind her, I saw someone I recognised instantly:

Great - now it's even more complicated.

Her face showed the emotions of hurt and sadness, feelings so raw that my heart broke.

I gently pushed Aria away and her face replicated Tessa's - hurt and confusion.

I rubbed Aria's shoulder in an attempted soothing way, "I'm sorry, Aria."
I swallowed the guilt forming in my throat. "You're my best, best friend nothing will ever change that. I just don't feel the same way about you. I think I like someone else—" I looked towards the direction Tessa stood, but she was gone. It was almost as if she was never there at all.

Aria didn't shout, scream or cry - she was silent which was much, much worse.

Before she left me sitting in the food court alone, she whispered, almost inaudibly, "Go tell Tessa how you feel. I think she feels the same way about you."


Aw guys ☹️💔
Poor Aria
I hope you are enjoying this!

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